Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Origins of Frutaiga Formula

There is a place in the world that is one of the most remote; a place that no one knew was being studied until 40 years had passed. People live in this region and in the morning when the sun rises above the mountains, these people wake up, same as you and I. With one big exception, many of them are well over 100 years old! Per capita 25 times more people there live past 100 than in the U.S.
They are healthy and full of life, their brains function sharp as a tack. They have extraordinary vitality and their sexual energy is astounding! If you were to open their veins, you would find they are very much the same as you and I, except they have 4 very special compounds running through them!
Those compounds have been the subject of over 40 years of intense research costing hundreds of millions of dollars and involved over 500,000 human studies. These studies were done by the Soviet Union in the years leading up to the cold war and the Human Performance Formula that was created from this research was a closely guarded secret until the breakup of the Soviet Union. Their formula was given to top Kremlin officials, military leaders, elite military units, cosmonauts and top athletes.
Ultimately that formula was purchased and further refined by one of the world's top plant molecular biologists, Dr. Zakir Ramazanov, who was born in the Russian Taiga (Georgian Republic) where these healthy, long-lived people reside. His own grandfather lived until the age of 113 and was carrying sacks of potatoes uphill to his house at age 112.
The story might have ended here except for a radio interview conducted by Don Bodenbach in San Diego. Don has formulated many nutritional products and is well known internationally in the fields of human longevity and nutrition. Don had a radio health talk show called "The Nature of Health" and for 12 years Don interviewed the world's best of the best in the fields of human health, longevity and nutrition. Don is also a teacher at a naturopathic institute and due to his radio show and industry experience he has a unique and valuable view of human health.
At the time of Don interviewing Dr. Ramazanov, he was formulating a nutritional product to promote brain health and function. During his pre-interview talks with Dr. Ramazanov, Don realized the refined Russian Human Performance Formula now owned by Dr Ramazanov could be a vital part of his product and the rest is history.
Ultimately Don Bodenbach and Dr. Ramazanov created Frutaiga which is a reformulation and refinement of the Russian Human Performance Formula. After reviewing the research and human studies, they decided 300 mg of the refined formula (trademarked as Rosalean) is the optimal amount to effect the historical and scientific health benefits on the average 150 lb human. Each ounce of Frutaiga is guaranteed to have 300 mg of Rosalean in it. For larger persons, more ounces of Frutaiga can be taken per day up to the upper limit of 900 mg of Rosalean (3 ounces per day) after which the human body cannot utilize a higher amount and it is eliminated from the body through urine.
Many people take 4 or even 5 ounces of Frutaiga per day because they love the energy and endurance they get. The extra Rosalean won't hurt them as their body elimates any it does not use and they still get the energy and endurance improvements.
How about the juice industry? How much of the active ingredients is actually in an ounce of Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie, Fruta Vida and the rest of the juices?
You will never find out because the juice companies love to talk about the wonderful health benefits their juices provide and provide research about their active ingredients and have wonderful folklore stories on their use.........but they won't ever tell you how much of the active ingredient is actually in a bottle or ounce of their product.
Independent research has shown that on average the juices have less than 5 mg of active ingredients PER BOTTLE. That is terrible and is barely enough to affect the body of a insect, certainly not enough to provide benefit to a human body. Don't fall for the hype of the juice industry.
The rest of the Frutaiga story? OK!
Don Bodenbach had been friends for many years with Jim Lutes, a noted motivational speaker and extremely successful network marketer who shared a vital interest in health and anti-aging. They met for lunch and Don told Jim about the exciting product he was formulating and asked his advice on marketing through network marketing. Jim got very excited about the product and together they formed the company, Frutaiga. Don Bodenbach is CEO and Jim Lutes is President.
For further information on this amazing neutraceutical,
please visit our websites:
Additional great information is on the blog:

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