Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Booklet About Frutaiga Ingredient Rhodiola Rosea co-authored by Dr. Ramazanov

This link will take you to an excellent and very informative booklet that was co-authored by Dr. Zakir Ramazanov who is a co-formulator with Don Bodenbach of Frutaiga. Rhodiola rosea is one of four powerful botanicals in Frutaiga.


Great article on one of Frutaiga's Adaptogens - Rhodiola rosea

Rosavin - What are Adaptogens?

The classification
of plants called "Adaptogens" have been used for centuries to help the body and brain cells "adapt" to and resist physical, chemical and environmental stress. They also help the body by normalizing the immune system and glucocorticoid hormone levels in a positive way, bringing them into balance. For thousands of years, people have used Adaptogens, such as Siberian Rhodiola rosea, to help their body deal with the effects of stress, but here in the United States, Siberian Rhodiola rosea is largely unknown, and yet quite possibly the most extraordinary adaptogen of all.
While ginseng has received much of the attention as an adaptogen, the last 35 years of clinical research with Siberian Rhodiola rosea by the Russians has shown this herb to go above and beyond the possibilities of ginseng. The scientific work on Siberian Rhodiola rosea's active components in addressing heart disease, cancer, and performance (mental and physical) is impressive and places Siberian Rhodiola rosea as one of the most important herbs and greatest gifts bestowed upon mankind. The Chinese described adaptogens as "superior" plants that are completely harmless to the body while exerting profound supportive effects. Adaptogens work by activating the basic and vital functions of the body to help it remain healthy under unfavorable conditions, making the body able to adapt.
Essentially, the ability for the body to adapt to unfavorable biological, chemical and psychological conditions provides an effective defense and means for survival. Research into adaptogens is on the increase, and many scientists are unraveling the benefits of these medicinal plants as profound contributors to our health and well-being.
Siberian Rhodiola rosea is far more than just another adaptogen from Siberia, such as Siberian Ginseng, Aralia or Schizandra. Extracts of Siberian Rhodiola Rosea posses a truly extraordinary combination of health benefits, without damaging side effects. In fact Siberian Rhodiola rosea was found to be safer than Ginseng even at doses exceeding 20 times the normal dose.
Job stress is increasing to worldwide epidemic proportions. Two-thirds of all visits to family physicians stem from stress. It's the root problem for anxiety, alcoholism, headaches, hypertension, irritability, and many other common ailments.
Derived from nature, we are provided with antidotes to modern stress. Nature's answer is a combination of herbal ingredients called adaptogens.
The world renowned Russian research pharmacologist and physiologist, Israel I. Brekhman, M.D., is the discoverer of adaptogens. Defined by Dr. Brekhman, an adaptogen is a plant type with certain characteristics:
It's nontoxic and safe for ingestion by animals, including humans;
It increases the body's nonspecific resistance by being stress-adapting;
It tends to bring back to homeostasis any dysfunctional body system. When combined, each adaptogenic plant builds on the therapeutic attribute of the others present in the nutritional formula to offer a kind of synergistic effect.
Early on, officials in the former USSR recognized the efficacy of Dr. Brekhman's phytochemical (plant product) physiological breakthroughs which occurred before 1966. It was in 1968 that they formalized the term he had coined, adaptogen, to designate the group of compounds Dr. Brekhman was investigating which accomplish the following in human and animal physiology:

  1. Increase protein biosynthesis
  2. Raise antibody titer at immunization
  3. Elevate the body's enzyme synthesis by means of general endocrine stimulation
  4. Enhance mental work capacity
  5. Uplift physical work capacity along with performance and endurance
  6. Quench free radicals so as to prevent oxidizing pathology
  7. Improve eyesight, color perception, hearing, and vestibular functions
  8. Offer beneficial effects in cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  9. Promote longevity
  10. Heighten the body's nonspecific resistance to various stressors such as toxins, excess cooling, overheating, altered barometric pressure, ultraviolet, ionizing, and cosmic radiation, and too much motor activity

Because of international politics, USSR officialdom kept the Brekhman breakthrough a secret from the rest of the world and only used the plant product supplements he created for certain important representatives of their political system. For example, stress-modulating adaptogen products were provided clandestinely to prominent Russian sports figures, Olympic coaches, ballet dancers, key political leaders, some international financiers, the cosmonauts (Russian astronauts), officers high in the Soviet military, and physiologists who sought the product for personal use. Except for a few particularly astute medical scientists on the world scene, hardly anyone knew of adaptogens.
Professor Israel I. Brekhman, M.D.
The father of adaptogens is the physiological pharmacologist, Dr. Israel I. Brekhman. He worked at the Far East Science Center of the USSR in Vladivostok as head of its Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of Adaptation. There, beginning in 1956, he devoted himself to unlocking the secrets of nature for the improvement of human health and well-being. The astounding results of his successful research have led to an ever-expanding probe of known and potentially useful adaptogens.
Dr. Brekhman and his associates studied the effectiveness of adaptogenic plants on the basis of daily and seasonal changes in individuals as well as under differing environmental circumstances. He originated the new science of ecological pharmacology when he investigated the complex formulas found in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia. Usually Chinese herbal formulas involve 5 to 20 different plants and are prescribed by physicians practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine according to seasons.
In order to sort out all of the 233 plants, their admixtures, and reputed effects that he was investigating, Dr. Brekhman devised four elaborate computer programs. The actions he sought to classify were tonic, diuretic, synthetic, antitoxic, and so forth. The reason for such programs was to reinvestigate obvious beneficial effects being achieved by Oriental practitioners of herbal medicine. The computer identified a nucleus of ten groups of recipes that were particularly therapeutic.
Another of this professor's discoveries was that Western medicine is too circumscribed in scope. It restricts itself to isolates which the pharmaceutical companies can patent and sell as individual products, but such isolates comprise a limited amount of atomic structural information. By the pharmaceutical industry selecting only those drug synthetics which may be protected by patent, the American medical consumer receives only a small fraction of the world's healing components.
In contrast, the more elaborate adaptogenic plant remedies with which Dr. Brekhman was working contain several million pieces of structural information. Thus, the possibilities of more complex tonic and healing effects have been increased markedly. The Brekhman adaptogens represent natural substances in nonprescription, over-the-counter form.
A concept alien to modern medicine and at which we in the West erroneously smile, is that of ancient Chinese emperors paying their physicians a regular sum for keeping them well; when someone in an emperor's immense household became ill, the physician was not paid. It was incumbent upon Eastern medical practitioners to keep the populace healthy. The chances of combating any disease were believed to be increased by utilizing a host of plant products plus some animal and mineral ones. The Chinese doctors suspected that, together, these products act in consort and are synergistic. Such a meritorious concept is worthy of adoption in the West.
Dr. Brekhman is the founder and permanent director of the committee for the study of Far East Medicinal Plants. He left the Vladivostok Center and now heads the Department of Regulation of Biological Processes at the Pacific Oceanographic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He serves on the board of the Russian Academy of Technological Sciences and the International Organization of Adaptive Medicine, relocated to Frankfurt, Germany.
Practicing his profession for more than 45 years, the pharmacologist holds 40 patents, including 21 international patents relating to his work in developing natural plant substances. He has published 22 monographs, several hundred scientific articles, and many books. In honor of his scientific achievements, the former Soviet Union presented Dr. Brekhman with its highest award of recognition, The Order of Lenin. Also bestowed on him by the Russian National Parliament was the Lenin Medal for Valiant Work, and its coveted Certificate of Honor.
These awards came to Dr. Brekhman for breaking the genetic codes of plants and uncovering the molecular structures of their phytochemicals. He isolated the complex substrates, each of which held a special benefit for healing. He demonstrated their properties in the most massive, sustained, and successful programs of human testing in recorded scientific history. Thousands of people in all age groups participated in his studies-whole populations of towns, schools, hospitals, and factories. I shall be discussing some of these studies later.
As he published and grew in scientific stature, bureaucrats of the USSR called upon him to perfect products so as to make certain aspects of the Soviet system outstanding in the eyes of the world. Something absolutely acknowledged by the Soviets is that Dr. Brekhman built outstanding images for the Russian space program. His nutritional supplements restored the natural balance of the cosmonauts' physiology and protected them against the stresses of motion, vertigo, weightlessness, enforced inactivity, and other difficulties encountered in space flight.
Adaptogens role in Achieving Sports Success
Not the least of the Brekhman accomplishments was achieving sports success for world-class Russian athletes and for athletes of a few other countries.
It's standard for coaches, trainers, sports physicians, and others connected with athletic competition to always be searching for methods of increasing physical capacity and subsequent athletic performance. Much of this research has included the extensive scientific study of substances from nature conducted by Professor Brekhman. He furnished Russian teams and individual athletes with legal, non-drug components essential for the enhancement of athletic performance, beyond what could have been achieved merely through disciplined physical training programs.
The annals of Soviet science include many investigative efforts, some of which uncovered significant elements from the adaptogenic organic substances, which effectively facilitate the physical ability of sports competitors. Soviet Olympic and elite athletes have routinely included adaptogens in their training programs to give them a certain optimal edge in competition. The Soviets admit that they were not about to reveal this secret discovery in which they had invested such a great amount of scientific effort. But now, the adaptogen class of plants, long known to Soviet science, is finally perceived by Western athletes and their coaches. The chief nutritional advisor to the Russian Olympic teams, Dr. Sergei Portugalov, who is Head of the Laboratory of Biological Active Substances, National Research Institute of Sport in Moscow, and a member of the World Anti-Doping Conference, said: "Sports have always been a major priority in Russia -- and now the world will know what has helped us achieve domination. Hundreds of researchers secretly worked to improve training and nutrition, which we consider fundamental for elite athletes. For the past ten years, we have primarily focused on achieving results without using drugs."
"Our greatest competitive advantage came from performance supplements derived from natural plant materials. The nutritional support provided by these supplements helped our athletes achieve better performance, stamina, endurance, strength, recovery, immune resistance, muscle development, and adaptation to changes in climate, time zones, and altitude," admitted Dr. Portugalov. "The world has seen the results at the last four Olympic Games. But until recently our revolutionary discoveries were a closely guarded secret.
Loren Seagrave, coach to U.S. champion sprinter Andre Cason, uncovered the Russians' secret and made use of it for his particular athlete. "Three months after going on the program, Andre defeated the fastest sprinters in the world, including Carl Lewis -- and became the U.S. champion in the 100-meters.
Russian controlled Blind Studies
In wide-scale tests on healthy men, all of whom were employed as various types of flight personnel such as pilots, navigators, and radio operators, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, and Schizandra accelerated recovery processes following long and tiring flight schedules. The adaptogens allowed the physiological state of the subjects to be significantly restored within three hours of a flight. This was a higher state of restoration even than the personnel had felt when fresh prior to taking the flight.
During a broadly-based investigation of 60,000 truck and test-car drivers at the Volzhsky Automobile Factory in Togilatil over a period of 10 years, after taking Eleutherococcus they experienced a 25% reduction in lost work time due to absence or disability. Also, the drivers reported a 40% decrease in cases of influenza and a general health improvement overall.
In testing the response of exhaustive muscle work loads to Rhodiola rosea extract, it was found that the herb increases the activity of proteolytic enzymes and also significantly elevates the level of protein and RNA in the skeletal muscles.
In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study involving a college baseball team, it was revealed that work capacity in every parameter showed large increases after the team members were dispensed Eleutherococcus for daily consumption.
In a double-blind trial on 140 track and field athletes using Schizandra as the active ingredient, 74% of the test subjects obtained their best results in the 3000-meter run, which is well known as the most stringent test for a runner.
In another experiment, Eleutherococcus was given to 35 weight lifters and wrestlers and 36 gymnasts. Data from the collected observations indicated that the adaptogen improved the general mental and physical state of the test subjects, increased their work capacity, and decreased their fatigue.
An experiment conducted on 52 workers carrying out immensely difficult labor uncovered startling results. They had been administered Eleutherococcus, Rhaponticum, and Rhodiola prior to and during their work loads. These workers showed marked improvement in their general physical and mental state, plus functional indicators including pulse, arterial pressure, vital capacity, back muscle strength, hand endurance under static tension, and coordination of movement. Plus they experienced a reduction in the duration of the rehabilitative period required.
Russian or Chinese?
Only Rhodiola rosea of Russian origin (West and North Siberia) has the high pharmacological activity and contains key active components ROSAVIN, ROSIN, ROSARIN and SALIDROSIDE. While so-called Tibetan Rhodiola and Rhodiola rosea of Chinese origin very often do not have enough potency. Very precise analytical work done in Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea (8) did confirm, that the content of the key active substance Salidroside in the samples of Rhodiola rosea gathered from various area in China ranged over 0.1%-1.1%. It means that the average Salidroside content in Chinese Rhodiola is only 0.6%. Meanwhile Russian Rhodiola usually contains 1-1.5%. It means that RHODIOLA ROSEA OF RUSSIAN ORIGIN IS TWO TIMES MORE POTENT THAN THE CHINESE FORM IN THIS PHYTONUTRIENT ALONE. More over, Chinese Rhodiola often has no activity at all, but there are other species of Rhodiola that are predominating in China, such as Tibetan Rhodiola, Rhodiola quadrifida, Rhodiola kirilowii, Rhodiola heterodonta and others.

The above article is from: http://www.ameriden.com/news_rosavin12.htm a wholesale supplier of this botanical.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Comparing Frutaiga to Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie & Other Juices

We are frequently asked how Frutaiga compares to the multitude of juices on the market, i.e.- Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie, Fruta Vida and a host of others with more on the way.
The is a HUGE difference between Frutaiga and the juices, Frutaiga IS NOT a juice!
All of the juices on the market tell a great story about their active ingredients and there is solid research showing the efficacy of their active ingredients. What is never told is how much of the actual active ingredient is in each ounce of the juice. None of those juice companies will tell you that all important piece of information.
Independent laboratory tests have shown less than 10 mg of active ingredient is in their entire bottle! Now take a look at the studies those companies tout and pay particular attention to how much of the active ingredient was used per day to get the benefits the studies indicate. In most cases you would need to drink an entire case of the juice per day to get enough active ingredient to have any effect on a human body.
The right amount of the right stuff. That is ALL that matters.
That is where Frutaiga excels and why Frutaiga IS NOT a juice. Frutaiga's active ingredients are in a trademarked formula called Rosalean. Rosalean is pure botantical extracts of four plants, the extraction process is done by the University of Spain using a patented technique that retains over 80% of the botanicals potency. This process was created and patented by Dr. Zakir Ramazanov and IS NOT the process used to process any of the juices. The other extraction processes typically involve heat and pressure and destroy over 80% of the active compounds in the botanicals they are processing.
300 mg (milligrams) of this potent extract is guaranteed to be in each ounce of Frutaiga. This correlates to the scientific studies on these extracts and means that Frutaiga has: the right amount of the right stuff!
Now compare Frutaiga's 300 mg of active ingredients per ounce to the juice's 10 mg or less of active ingredients per entire bottle and you understand why the juices make a point of not telling you how much of the active ingredient is needed and how much is actually in each ounce.
Hey, those juices have some wonderful stories that are spun by master storytellers and top notch marketers and lots of testimonials, some of which are undoubtedly true and many of which are placebo effect and just plain hype.
So now you know. Frutaiga has the right amount of the right stuff and that is what separates it from the juice market and makes it a "guaranteed potency nutritional beverage", a liquid neutraceutical.
Please visit our website: www.Power2Heal.biz for further information.
Frutaiga carries a "peace of mind" 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee. You can't lose any more money than shipping, so give it a try today. Order a case and begin your Frutaiga experience.

Frutaiga "White Papers" Documentation

I recently was contacted by a person who wanted in-depth research information on Frutaiga's ingredients. Here is my response which may be helpful to others who want more substantive information than what we have on our websites.
We have extensive documentation on the ingredients in Rosalean which is the active ingredient in Frutaiga with 300mg of Rosalean in each ounce of Frutaiga. When you review the studies you will find that this correlates to the amount of the active ingredient used in the studies to effect the noticed benefits on the human study participants. Frutaiga IS NOT a juice. Frutaiga is a guaranteed potency neutraceutical that is a liquid because people don't want to swallow 10 horse pills a day. The Soviet Union spent close to a billion dollars researching these botanicals and creating their formula which is the basis of the Frutaiga formula.

Here are links that will pull up a summary article of each botanical and many research articles are referenced at the end of each summary article. Many of those research articles are available online and some of them are double blinded, placebo controlled studies.

Please give me a call if you have further questions or would like to talk to Don Bodenbach, the formulator, who collaborated with Dr. Zakir Ramazanov on the formulation of Frutaiga. Don is the CEO of Frutaiga and he has international credentials in the world of nutritional formulators and is widely respected internationally for his knowledge in product formulation, raw material sourcing, raw material processing and manufacturing. Don also teaches at a San Diego naturopathic institute and he had the most popular health radio program in California for 12 years (The Nature of Health) where he interviewed thousands of the best people in the world in the fields of nutrition and holistic health. Don has a unique perspective on human health and when he interviewed Dr. Ramazanov and heard about the research and formula the Soviet Union had created that was purchased by Dr. Ramazanov, he knew a collaboration was in order. Frutaiga is the result of that collaboration and is a refinement of the original Soviet Union formula.

I don't know your level of interest or specific area of interest in Frutaiga. This product is distributed through network marketing (MLM), a belly to belly form of direct marketing. The highest quality nutritionals are sold that way, not in health food stores or GNCs. There are many good reasons for this and if you call me I will enlighten you and we can also get Don Bodenbach on the line so he can tell you his reasons for doing this. Don's previous nutritional company experience was in the world of conventional marketing through health food and nutritional stores and he also was a manufacturer's rep in that arena so he knows where-of he speaks.

When or while you are researching Frutaiga I recommend you get a case and try it. We have a super strong 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee and the only thing you can lose is shipping. Because Frutaiga is a nutritional it typically is slow to benefit our bodies and I have found the really impressive benefits relating to blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin happen between the 3rd and 5th month. Many people with arthritis and fibromyalgia report great improvements in under a month, many in as short a period of time as a week to ten days. We also hear from many women that have had great success relieving menopause symptoms, usually in the week to 10 day time frame but we do have reports of relief from hot flashes and sweats in as short a period of time as 3 days.

As with drugs and other nutrition, nothing works for everybody and we find about 20% of people do not recognize significant benefits taking Frutaiga. I suspect that if we they took it for 60-days and we did before and after blood work we could show definite benefits but the vast majority of people won't do that.

I have been studying nutrition and holistic health for ten years (informally, as a passion) and have never seen a nutritional product as powerful as Frutaiga. Give me a call and I'll be happy to share my and my family's personal experiences with Frutaiga. I have also worked with many, many people over the last year and have a large amount of first hand experience with Frutaiga and can put you on the phone with many people who can share their experiences.
Please visit our website at: www.Power2Heal.biz

Frutaiga & Menopause

Although only a little over a year old, Frutaiga is becoming well-known for its ability to mediate menopause symptoms including hot flashes, sweats, cramps, erratic or excessive bleeding and mood swings.
If you spend some time researching Frutaiga's ingredients you will find they have a long history of use in Europe for this purpose.
It is the two adaptogens that help the body achieve homeostasis and address the hormone fluctuations that cause the unpleasant menopause symptoms.
An important factor is that Frutaiga quickly relieves mental and physical stress. Stress has been proven to exacerbate menopause problems and getting rid of it is a giant step forward in mediating the symptoms.
Frutaiga doesn't work for every woman with menopause problems but our experience over the last year indicates about 80% of them get significant to total relief, usually within 10 days to three weeks.
Many women who have tried Frutaiga for menopause problems sing its praises because they feel better physically, mentally and emotionally, have lost weight, have better cholesterol and blood pressure, have greatly reduced arthritis and assorted aches & pains, have much greater mental clarity, have improved endurance and energy.......the list just keeps on going.
We are constantly amazed at the huge list of human ailments that prolonged use of Frutaiga benefits. We have seen great improvements in insulin resistance in type-2 diabetics between the 3rd and 5th months of taking Frutaiga.
Since Frutaiga is sold as a nutritional in the United States, we cannot and do not make any medical claims that it will cure any disease in any way what-so-ever. In Europe the adaptogens in Frutaiga are used medicinally for many conditions.
My best advice to a person is to give Frutaiga a try. Sign up as a Preferred Customer by phone with us or through our website at: www.teamfrutaiga.com/teamglobal and get a case of Frutaiga (4 bottles) and give it an honest try. Because of Frutaiga's very generous 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee, all you stand to lose is shipping costs. What you stand to gain is large improvements in your health and longevity and much improved enjoyment of life.
To those naysayers who say you won't get a refund: you are completely wrong. About 20% of the people who try Frutaiga do not see great benefits and don't keep using it. About 4% of the people who tried Frutaiga through us have asked for and gotten fast refunds from the company, typically in under 10 days.
Incidentally, Frutaiga's benefit rate of 80% is much better than the pharmaceutical industry or other nutritionals which have benefit rates ranging from 60% to 70%.
Frutaiga is a great company and product and I urge you to give it a try and see what it can do for you!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Origins of Frutaiga Formula

There is a place in the world that is one of the most remote; a place that no one knew was being studied until 40 years had passed. People live in this region and in the morning when the sun rises above the mountains, these people wake up, same as you and I. With one big exception, many of them are well over 100 years old! Per capita 25 times more people there live past 100 than in the U.S.
They are healthy and full of life, their brains function sharp as a tack. They have extraordinary vitality and their sexual energy is astounding! If you were to open their veins, you would find they are very much the same as you and I, except they have 4 very special compounds running through them!
Those compounds have been the subject of over 40 years of intense research costing hundreds of millions of dollars and involved over 500,000 human studies. These studies were done by the Soviet Union in the years leading up to the cold war and the Human Performance Formula that was created from this research was a closely guarded secret until the breakup of the Soviet Union. Their formula was given to top Kremlin officials, military leaders, elite military units, cosmonauts and top athletes.
Ultimately that formula was purchased and further refined by one of the world's top plant molecular biologists, Dr. Zakir Ramazanov, who was born in the Russian Taiga (Georgian Republic) where these healthy, long-lived people reside. His own grandfather lived until the age of 113 and was carrying sacks of potatoes uphill to his house at age 112.
The story might have ended here except for a radio interview conducted by Don Bodenbach in San Diego. Don has formulated many nutritional products and is well known internationally in the fields of human longevity and nutrition. Don had a radio health talk show called "The Nature of Health" and for 12 years Don interviewed the world's best of the best in the fields of human health, longevity and nutrition. Don is also a teacher at a naturopathic institute and due to his radio show and industry experience he has a unique and valuable view of human health.
At the time of Don interviewing Dr. Ramazanov, he was formulating a nutritional product to promote brain health and function. During his pre-interview talks with Dr. Ramazanov, Don realized the refined Russian Human Performance Formula now owned by Dr Ramazanov could be a vital part of his product and the rest is history.
Ultimately Don Bodenbach and Dr. Ramazanov created Frutaiga which is a reformulation and refinement of the Russian Human Performance Formula. After reviewing the research and human studies, they decided 300 mg of the refined formula (trademarked as Rosalean) is the optimal amount to effect the historical and scientific health benefits on the average 150 lb human. Each ounce of Frutaiga is guaranteed to have 300 mg of Rosalean in it. For larger persons, more ounces of Frutaiga can be taken per day up to the upper limit of 900 mg of Rosalean (3 ounces per day) after which the human body cannot utilize a higher amount and it is eliminated from the body through urine.
Many people take 4 or even 5 ounces of Frutaiga per day because they love the energy and endurance they get. The extra Rosalean won't hurt them as their body elimates any it does not use and they still get the energy and endurance improvements.
How about the juice industry? How much of the active ingredients is actually in an ounce of Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie, Fruta Vida and the rest of the juices?
You will never find out because the juice companies love to talk about the wonderful health benefits their juices provide and provide research about their active ingredients and have wonderful folklore stories on their use.........but they won't ever tell you how much of the active ingredient is actually in a bottle or ounce of their product.
Independent research has shown that on average the juices have less than 5 mg of active ingredients PER BOTTLE. That is terrible and is barely enough to affect the body of a insect, certainly not enough to provide benefit to a human body. Don't fall for the hype of the juice industry.
The rest of the Frutaiga story? OK!
Don Bodenbach had been friends for many years with Jim Lutes, a noted motivational speaker and extremely successful network marketer who shared a vital interest in health and anti-aging. They met for lunch and Don told Jim about the exciting product he was formulating and asked his advice on marketing through network marketing. Jim got very excited about the product and together they formed the company, Frutaiga. Don Bodenbach is CEO and Jim Lutes is President.
For further information on this amazing neutraceutical,
please visit our websites:
Additional great information is on the blog:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Frutaiga = Weight Loss & Cellulite Elimination

Frutaiga promotes weight loss and cellulite reduction.

When you look at the history of human benefits of the individual ingredients in Frutaiga ( www.Power2Heal.biz and www.teamfrutaiga.com/teamglobal ) you will find that normalization of weight and elimination of cellulite are two well known and documented effects of these botanicals. This explains the current and rapidly growing use of Frutaiga in Hollywood.

It is the two powerful adaptogens in Frutaiga that help the body in its quest for homeostasis of which weight equilibrium is part. A by product of your body normalizing its weight is the elimination of cellulite in females.

We have hundreds of testimonials from people taking Frutaiga and achieving 4 to 10 pounds per month of weight loss WITHOUT changing their diet, eating or exercise patterns. This is HUGE!

The optimum weight loss is achieved taking 1 ounce of Frutaiga before each meal, however I have spoken to many people who take all 3 ounces in the morning and experience excellent weight loss.

Increase your knowledge about your body and Frutaiga by listening in as our guest on any Wednesday evening in-depth product conference call (6pm PST, 9pm EST). Don Bodenbach, the product formulator and CEO of Frutaiga, is the presenter. Don explains how the unique, high altitude botanicals in Frutaiga help the human body go into self-healing mode where the innate intelligence in our cells strive to achieve a state of health, our natural state. Please give us a call to get the conference details and free invitation, toll free phone 800-759-7593.

Listen in on a couple of Don's calls and you will come away with a fuller understanding about how one product, Frutaiga, can have such positive effects on so many human ailments due to the adaptogens in it.

Ultimately you will want to try Frutaiga for yourself and see what benefits you receive. Plan on buying a case of Frutaiga (4 bottles for $150 at wholesale cost) because you will need to double up on it for the first two months to load your body and that means 3 to 4 ounces per day for most people. Since each bottle of Frutaiga has 26 ounces, each bottle will last you about a week during the body loading period.

You should get noticeable benefits by the end of the case, but if you don't you can exercise Frutaiga's 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee to get a refund on everything except shipping and 10% handling fee. There is no more powerful guarantee in the liquid nutritional/functional beverage industry!

Everybody's body is different and has different reactions to drugs and nutritionals. The only way you'll know if Frutaiga works for you is to try it. Approximately 80% of people achieve positive, noticeable benefits from Frutaiga within 60-days. The other 20% do not and the satisfaction guarantee is there for them.

If you are serious about living longer and healthier you owe it to yourself to try Frutaiga.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Amazing Results Using Frutaiga

I am constantly amazed at the great variety of health improvements reported by people who take Frutaiga. This is due to two of the four ingredients which are among the most powerful adaptogens known to mankind.

The word adaptogen, coined by Russian Scientist - Dr. Nicolai Lazarev, refers to a natural herb product that increases the body's resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and bodily fatigue. The guidelines Lazarev created for an herb to be considered an adaptogen are:
  1. It must cause only minimal disorders in the body's physiological functions
  2. It must increase the body's resistance to adverse influences not by a specific action but by a wide range of physical, chemical, and biochemical factors
  3. It must have an overall normalizing effect, improving all kinds of conditions and aggravating none.

The list of health improvements reported include:

Fast Acting Benefits Reported (1 to 3 weeks)
stress reduction
increased sexual vitality
increased physical vitality
ability to concentrate better
greatly improved sleep & energy
shortened recovery after workouts

Slow Acting Benefits Reported (6 weeks or more)
optimize weight
helps balance cholesterol
increased feeling of well being
supports healthy, pain free joints
improved memory and brain function
enhances cellular & liver detoxification
cellulite melting off thighs and buttocks

Because I have personally introduced many people to Frutaiga and because our Frutaiga sales organization is the largest in the company, I have first hand knowledge of literally hundreds of people whose health has shown remarkable and sometimes unbelievable improvements over the course of just a few months using Frutaiga.

Please visit our websites for further information and to view written, audio and video testimonials from people helped by Frutaiga.

www.Power2Heal.biz informational website with video testimonials

www.teamfrutaiga.com/teamglobal company website for ordering