Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Amazing Results Using Frutaiga

I am constantly amazed at the great variety of health improvements reported by people who take Frutaiga. This is due to two of the four ingredients which are among the most powerful adaptogens known to mankind.

The word adaptogen, coined by Russian Scientist - Dr. Nicolai Lazarev, refers to a natural herb product that increases the body's resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and bodily fatigue. The guidelines Lazarev created for an herb to be considered an adaptogen are:
  1. It must cause only minimal disorders in the body's physiological functions
  2. It must increase the body's resistance to adverse influences not by a specific action but by a wide range of physical, chemical, and biochemical factors
  3. It must have an overall normalizing effect, improving all kinds of conditions and aggravating none.

The list of health improvements reported include:

Fast Acting Benefits Reported (1 to 3 weeks)
stress reduction
increased sexual vitality
increased physical vitality
ability to concentrate better
greatly improved sleep & energy
shortened recovery after workouts

Slow Acting Benefits Reported (6 weeks or more)
optimize weight
helps balance cholesterol
increased feeling of well being
supports healthy, pain free joints
improved memory and brain function
enhances cellular & liver detoxification
cellulite melting off thighs and buttocks

Because I have personally introduced many people to Frutaiga and because our Frutaiga sales organization is the largest in the company, I have first hand knowledge of literally hundreds of people whose health has shown remarkable and sometimes unbelievable improvements over the course of just a few months using Frutaiga.

Please visit our websites for further information and to view written, audio and video testimonials from people helped by Frutaiga.

www.Power2Heal.biz informational website with video testimonials

www.teamfrutaiga.com/teamglobal company website for ordering

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