Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Frutaiga for Dogs & Cats & Other Mammals

Frutaiga has proven to be of great health benefit on many types of mammals including dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets. Many animals will lap Frutaiga up if it is presented at room temperature but it can also be squirted in their mouth or mixed with dry or wet food.

We credit Frutaiga with knocking out the arthritis in our ancient border collie, Molly, who is now over 14 years old and still going strong! Molly plays frisbee four times a day and everyone who meets her is amazed by her age and body condition.

Molly was at the point that arthritis was troubling her and she would get up very slowly and painfully and frequently groaned while getting up. She would also limp for a couple of minutes after getting up.

Because of great success using Frutaiga to deal with arthritis and joint inflammation with myself and my mother-in-law, I decided to try it on Molly but had to use a syringe to squirt it into her mouth a couple of times each day because she would not drink it voluntarily. I was super pleased to see her arthritis ease within a couple of days and it completely went away within 2 weeks! I can tell you for a fact the Frutaiga works great on old dogs!

Friends in Escondido give their elder chihauhau Frutaiga and have seen his arthritis disappear and his energy pick up too. Their dog loves to drink Frutaiga if it is at room temperature.

Other friends in Phoenix have had fabulous results using Frutaiga for their health challenges and decided to see if it would help their dog who has suffered many years from pyrodema (a smelly, flaky, bacterial skin problem) and could not get any relief from any drugs or holistic techniques. They were amazed when the pyrodema was gone in under 2 weeks!

We are now mixing Molly's food with Frutaiga to see if it will help with a stubborn cyst on her hip and a large water tumor on her chest just below her neck that she has had for years plus a few fatty tumors on her flanks. It is worth a try because the adaptogens in Frutaiga are proven to be very anti-mutagenic and could well help shrink or eliminate these tumors. Of course we make absolutely no claims on Frutaiga helping with any kind of cancer but it is possible that it can.

Keep checking this blog and I'll keep you updated on Molly and her lumps & bumps re: Frutaiga.

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