Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Frutaiga Testimonials

Listen to what Frutaiga has done for our family!
Mark & Donna Ellins, San Diego, California

More audio testimonials
click to listen (8 minutes)

Here is an interesting and true testimonial from a medical doctor regarding Rhodiola Rosea:

Patricia Gerbarg, knows firsthand how potent rhodiola’s restorative benefits can be. She’s also a psychiatrist, and long before either she or her husband had heard of the herb, she had begun to suffer from persistent pain in her joints. “We’d just gotten our first puppy, and he’d begun to pick up deer ticks,” she says. “Of course I was worried about Lyme disease, especially with three children at home. But I didn’t have the telltale rash, so I assumed the pain would go away.”

Only it didn’t. Month by month it worsened, spreading into her tendons and muscles. She went in for medical tests, but they were all inconclusive. “Some of the specialists I went to even implied that they thought the pain was all in my head,” she remembers. “That was a little surprising for a medical doctor to hear.” Meanwhile, Gerbarg’s pain and fatigue were becoming crippling. “My hands hurt so much I could hardly use them. My kids had to help cook, wash the dishes, even write out checks for me. I could hardly walk from the house to the car. Once, when we went with our son to visit colleges, he had to lift me and carry me up the steps.”
Even her mind was affected. Any kind of mental task became exhausting. With a job, a husband, three kids, and a dog, she’d been used to doing at least four things at once. “Now it was impossible for me to concentrate on more than one thing at a time,” she says. Eventually, a specialist recommended that Gerbarg begin an eight-month course of antibiotics, the usual treatment for Lyme disease. “It definitely helped,” she says. But only so much. She estimates she recovered about 25 percent of her former strength. She continued to suffer from pain, fatigue, and memory problems, and her balance was still shaky.

That was around the time her husband first heard of rhodiola. “He told me about it, and we both wondered if it might help because of its energy-boosting properties.” To be on the safe side, Brown tried the herb himself. “Almost immediately, my mind seemed sharper,” he says. “I felt less stressed and had more energy when I exercised.” That was good enough for Gerbarg, who started taking the herb, too. After ten days, she began noticing her mind growing clearer, her concentration sharpening, and her memory improving. The heavy weight of fatigue that had dragged her down for years began to lift. “Day by day I was getting better,” she recalls. But it wasn’t until one day, with her 14-year-old son David, that she realized how much she’d improved. She and her son had enjoyed playing chess together before her illness, but it had been several years since she’d had the energy to play. Finally, she felt well enough to give it a try. Her son agreed to meet her at the chess table for old time’s sake. “And I beat him,” says Gerbarg. “At least that first game.”

Both Gerbarg and her husband were so impressed by their own experiences, and the medical literature on the herb, that over the past ten years they’ve prescribed it to more than 400 patients. They claim to have successfully treated people suffering from fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, memory problems, loss of sexual interest, and impotence. They’ve used rhodiola to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, adult attention deficit disorder, and other brain-related conditions. And they’ve come to believe that even in healthy people, the herb is a powerful tonic, increasing the body’s resistance to stress and enhancing physical performance and mental sharpness. Last year, to spread the word to patients and other practitioners, they published a book, The Rhodiola Revolution, which details their clinical experiences and summarizes much of the research to date.

They’ve already won over many experts. At Martha’s Vineyard Hospital in Massachusetts, psychiatrist Charles Silberstein has successfully eased depressed and anxious patients off prescription antidepressants and onto the herb, sparing them the side effects associated with drugs. Sharon Sageman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, also prescribes rhodiola as an alternative to prescription antidepressants. But she’s documented an even wider range of benefits, from easing symptoms associated with menopause to fighting the fatigue and mental dullness that often follow chemotherapy.

One of Sageman's patients, a 56 year old woman, came to her feeling anxious and depressed. "After going through menopause, she had gained ten pounds and lost her interest in sex." says Sageman. "I put her on Rhodeola Rosea and she quickly felt calmer, her libido returned and she even lost the weight she'd put on." More than half of the patients she sees are now taking the herb, says Sageman, who uses it herself to sharpen her memory and boost energy.

Additional Testimonials

"I want to share how Frutaiga restored my life. For the past six years I have been in and out of doctors offices trying to improve my health. For over 26 years, I have been a Physical Education teacher/coach and have enjoyed the privilege and blessing of have an opportunity to impact students lives. A simple injury that was misdiagnosed for two years was the beginning of chronic pain in my foot and ankle. After surgery, two years later, I lost my athletic mobility and had to stop coaching due to the painful wear and tear on my body. As the years progressed this compensation of my movement caused deterioration of my knees and spine. The effects became so severe that in my last year of teaching I had missed more days of school than my entire teaching career. I was very depressed and having panic attacks at work which I would have to call my husband to pick me up because I couldn't make it home. My level of stress was unmanageable, and my refusal to become dependant on pain medication made my life unbearable. All of this triggered my graves disease symptoms to run me crazy, in addition to the hormonal imbalances that waltz into your life when your approaching your 50's. That's when I decided it was time to leave. I believe that the Lord opens and closes doors and that point I felt like the door was closing on me.

I was introduced to Frutaiga in November 2005. The first week I noticed a mental clarity that I hadn't experienced in twenty years. My stress level started to go down and the peace I experienced seemed sent from heaven. I was having problems walking, getting up off the couch, and out of bed. I was receiving injections in my knees to be able to walk, and to reduce the wear and tear of daily activity. Three weeks into taking Frutaiga I noticed I could go up and down the stairs without crippling pain and tears. That blew me away. My thyroid symptoms were reduced and under control. The long nights of no sleep due to night sweats and hot flashes had over a 90% improvement. That is when it hit me, if this product can improve someone so depleted, stressed-out, depressed and in chronic pain; by restoring the joy back in my heart and being able to once again feel a quality of life I had forgotten existed, this would be a product I would share with others.
Valerie Deyo, Carlsbad, California

"Sick people are desperate for solutions to their health problems. I'm such a person. As a Christian foreign missionary I suffered from typhoid fever and other illnesses that were never diagnosed. My immune system has never been strong since then. Two years ago I contracted meningitis. Once I was well enough to get out of bed, I had to work to support my family, so I somehow fought my way out of bed, got to work, did my job (not extremely well), struggled home and laid down until the next morning. I did this daily for five months until summer vacation arrived (I'm a special ed teacher), and then mostly staying laying down for about two months. The meningitis dealt the final blow to my defenses. Last year I had the flu four times in three months. I also had pneumonia. Despite generous sick leave and vacation time granted to public school teachers, I usually use it all and end up being docked pay for the additional days I miss work. When any illness hits me, I am typically sick one to two weeks and then almost relapse around three weeks later.

Enter Frutaiga. Sick people are desperate, but we're also wary of snake oil. I was introduced to Frutaiga by a friend at church and my pastor. My pastor only tried Frutaiga so he could tell his brother-in-law it doesn't work. Guess what? It worked. I know these people wouldn't invent stories about what Frutaiga is doing for them, or try to sell me snake oil. I had to try it.

I began to experience flu symptoms the day after I took my first ounce and a half. I told my assistant at work that I expected to be sick by Friday. I got worse that day, but toughed it out and stayed at work. I took my 3 ounces of Frutaiga that day. When I woke up the next morning, my throat was very sore, but was immediately soothed by my morning ounce and a half of Frutaiga. The sore throat didn't return. To make the story brief, suffice it to say that with Frutaiga, the flu lasted only a day and a half instead of the weeks I'm accustomed to. I'm also finding that I'm no longer dependent on the snooze alarm. In fact, I'm more alert in the mornings, and less tired at the end of long days. About 25% of the time I awake before the alarm sounds.

After being on Frutaiga for about a month, I became sick with what felt like bronchitis (I've had it at least yearly since childhood), but I could feel my body fighting the illness. One morning I woke up with a burning sensation in my chest like when I had pneumonia, so I decided to play it safe and schedule a doctor's visit. My physician told me it appeared I was at the tail-end of bronchitis, and commented that Frutaiga must be pretty good stuff. He's not joking! For the first time in my life, I made it through bronchitis with no antibiotics! I'm so impressed by the impact Frutaiga has had on my body in such a short time, I greatly anticipate the effects once the active ingredients build up in my system! By the way, I've also lost 17 pounds since starting Frutaiga!
Bryan Tucker, Imperial Valley of California

I’m back from the dead. I suffered from post traumatic stress disorder for almost 15 years!!! I was held up 3 times while working at a half way house for teenagers. The stress was to much and I shut down. After my first ounce of Frutaiga I could feel my nervous system relax and it was like my body and my awareness came back for the first time in many years. Now I feel great, I have boundless energy and I will be taking Frutaiga for the rest of my life."
Bryan, Albany, Oregon

"For years I have suffered from Fibromyalgia and 3 different kinds of Arthritis. I was totally dependent on 10 Percocets daily to make it through my day. I can't begin to describe the pain that I have lived with for years. I had no energy; I was depressed and had a very poor memory.Since I have been taking Frutaiga, I have more energy than I know what to do with. My memory is improving & I have also lost 12 lbs. My wheelchair is collecting dust and I hardly use my walking stick. My Doctors' are amazed with the results that I have received from Frutaiga."
Deanie, Oklahoma City, OK

"Last Easter, we went to visit our son in Maryland. He lives in two story house, which has a basement, and two sets of stairs. With my arthritis in my knees, it took all and then some for me to climb those stairs. Not to mention the excruciating pain I was experiencing. After that I had completely avoided having to use stairs. Until the other day I was in town running errands, my hands were full of packages, and I just walked up a flight of stairs with no pain! Amazing! Frutaiga has given me my life back."
Eleanor, El Centro, California

"I have an old foot accident (five years old) that has taken a toll on my health. My feet have effected my back and knees. I have been in pain for some time now. I was a very athletic person and coach so this state of physical disability has been very depressing. My knees have required injections to make it possible for me to walk without pain. The last three weeks the injections had totally run it course. I saw mrs. kurpus story and I said to myself I wish that would happen to me.

Last night as I walk up my stairs I did it without pain. Normally I take forever to go down or up. I haven't been able t walk my dog due to my knees giving out and the unbearable pain. Yesterday was the first time in months that I was able to walk the stairs without pain. My mobility was better and range of motion. This has taken place in less than a month of my 30 day trial and less than 2 cases of frutiaga. I can't believe it has done that much for my knees. I definitely will share this with all my athletic coaches and players. I was scheduling the injections asap but now I will wait and continue to see what else frutiaga will do for me,
Thanks for sharing such a great product."
Valerie, San Diego, California

"I recently lost 55 lbs and after losing so much weight I had a lot of cellulite and loose skin. Since taking Frutaiga (3oz a day) I have seen dramatic results. My body is tone, my skin is tight and firm, and my muscle strength has dramatically increased. Also my cellulite is completely gone! I feel like I am 18 and now my body looks like it too!"
Charlotta, Encinitas, California

"For years I suffered from hot flashes and diminished energy...After drinking Frutaiga for five months the intensity of the hot flashes has subsided and my energy level is soaring! My former lack of energy led me away from my once very active routine of working out...In the last five months I started working out again and my endurance for cardio and weights is amazing, I feel so much better now and definitely lead a better, healthier lifestyle.

Frutaiga has worked wonders for me and I know it can for you as well...We should all "live life to it's very fullest," and drinking Frutaiga has enabled me to live mine that very way!"
Jill, Florida

"I've been studying nutrition for over 5 years and take over $200 a month of nutritional products. In spite of Frutaiga's incredibly strong ingredient list I did not expect to have any noticeable reaction from taking it.

After taking Frutaiga for one and a half weeks I went to the beach to play frisbee with our dog. When I got back I told my wife "I really feel good! I feel balanced and focused! I feel good physically, emotionally and mentally! I am able to concentrate better than I have been able to concentrate my entire life!"

That is really saying something as I am a Type-A personality and at the time was selling a business and making lifestyle changes which put me under lots of stress. Frutaiga is the real deal, the botanicals have a long history and lots of research behind them and there is sufficient active ingredients to benefit the human body at recommended dosages. Unlike the jungle juice products, Frutaiga works!"
Mark Ellins, Chula Vista, San Diego

"I have tried every supplement on the planet and Frutaiga is red hot. It’s a guaranteed potency beverage that is unequaled. My supplement bill was more than $500 a month and after reading the science on Frutaiga, I threw out 85% of my supplement shelf! I’m totally into anti-aging medicine and why not use the product with the real stress busting anti-aging ingredients."
Successgirls.com CEO A. C. Byan

"Here is the amazing deal for me personally concerning Frutaiga which is making me a believer. When the weather is warmer around here I will often jog 8 miles every other day about 25 miles a week but I have not jogged now because of the ice for about 2 weeks and have gone from 40 to 36 in pants size as well as losing a few pounds. Frutaiga is phenomenal."
Joe S. Ohio

"After taking Frutaiga for the first time, I noticed I slept better that night. I am a weekend warrior athlete working out consistently since high school but due to life and family, I do have occasional lapses in my routine that typically last four to six weeks. When restarting my routine I usually experience soreness. When I started taking Frutaiga, I felt a considerable increase in energy despite not exercising for the previous month so I decided to put Frutaiga to the test and worked out like a mad man fully expecting not to get out of bed the next day. To my surprise I was only slightly stiff no soreness. I work in the water treatment profession and was expecting the mental recall benefits to improve my retention of numbers and figures. To my surprise, my memory recall was not numbers and figures but emotional memory recall. Let me explain as I have aged my child hood memories triggered by a song color ect. Had began to fade loose detail but after taking Frutaiga for about a month I heard an old song that always brought back a fond childhood memory but faded in recent years. Well this time I felt the memory as I did in my teens and twenties taking back to the moment with sensory input like I was their. I cannot tell you what this means to me my dad passed away about ten years ago and I do not have much in the way of home movies, to get these memories back means so much to me thanks Don and Jim for bringing such a phenomenal product to the market."
Fran DeLeonardis CA

“I suffer from high blood pressure and Fibromyalgia. Since taking Frutaiga my blood pressure is at normal levels, my energy has hit an all time high and my aching muscles & bones has completely gone away. I take 3 oz. daily and will never stop!! Thanks Frutaiga!!!"
Susie ~ Oceanside, CA

"It’s unbelievable! Years of allergies gone. PMS gone. Muscle pain gone. Better, deeper sleep. I’m more focused, my sexual vitality is so much better. It’s hard to believe so much good could be done with one product but I am living proof!"
Cindy ~ Winchester, CA

"I am a 56 year old and I have energy like I haven’t had since my early 30’s when I was running 10k races. That was 45 pounds ago! Plus, I GET UP when I wake up (never been a morning person) and don’t fall asleep watching the 6 o’clock news! Sure is nice becoming a “Product of the Product”!
Steve, Jacksonville, Ill

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