Switching Gears!!

We have researched and used adaptogens for over 4 years with great success and this website has been dedicated to educating people about them and their health benefits. The company that formulated and marketed the original formula we used with great success was failing and combined with another company. Their product was "fiddled" with and persons that had used that formula for years experienced return of their health problems. We can no longer recommend that product but the good news is that we now have alternatives that we can recommend and have experience with.

There are many ways to achieve better health and adaptogens are only one of those ways. We now recommend a multi-pronged approach that can bring much faster relief of symptoms and a massive unloading of the immune system using unique products from a 6 year old company. These products have large amounts of scientific research validating them and clinical tests also.

Please visit our website for further information:


RhodiGandha is Potent Natural Medicine

This blog was originally dedicated to a powerful adaptogen product called Frutaiga. This company was sold in September of 2008 and the top distributors of the original company decided to create their own super powerful adaptogen product that was more powerful and faster acting than Frutaiga. This new company and product are called "RhodiGandha". Read this blog post for a fuller explanation "Frutaiga Got Sold - RhodiGandha is Better"

RhodiGandha is powerful, natural medicine with 500 milligrams of extracted active ingredients in each ounce. These active ingredients come from two adaptogens (rhodeola rosea & ashwangandha) and four plants that are rich in functional anti-oxidants, caucasian billberry, georgian pomengranate, blueberry leaf and the legendary superfood -acai.

RhodiGandha has no added sugar or any artificial sweetener and is not pasteurized and has no preservatives.

There is massive scientific research and documentation establishing RhodiGandha's credibility and we have many thousands of testimonials from person's attributing huge health benefits to these adaptogens, including more energy, stress elimination, improved blood pressure, improved insulin system, improved cholesterol, better sleep, headache elimination, menopause symptom elimination, increased sexual vitality, relief from aches & pains, better memory & concentration, cellulite reduction and lots more.

In many people's opinions including some MDs, RhodiGandha is the most effective way of coping with metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome-X. Per the FDA, because RhodiGandha is a nutritional supplement, not a drug, we cannot and do not make any claims that Frutaiga can treat or cure any ailment, that is the realm of doctors and drug companies. But it helped many thousands of people achieve much better health and does a wonderful job for people with Syndrome-X.

For more great information visit: http://www.miracleadaptogens.com/

Welcome to our blog - be sure to listen to our Wednesday conference calls!

Try RhodiGandha yourself and see what great health benefits you get!
Visit our info website at: http://www.MiracleAdaptogens.com/ Call 1-800-759-7593 email mark@Power2Heal.biz

Wednesdays at 8:55pm Eastern Time (5:55pm Pacific Time) listen to a live conference call about RhodiGandha.

Call us for the conference number.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Molly has her 15th birthday - Thanks Frutaiga!

We have been asked for an update on our old border collie who has been taking Frutaiga for a couple of years, so here it is! Video update of Molly playing frisbee Molly catching Frisbees

Molly celebrated her 15th birthday on November 26th and we feel blessed that she is still with us and in good health and hope that continues. Her breed of dog typically lives 11 years and it is very unusual to see a 12 year old border collie and almost unheard of for them to make it to 15!

We switched Molly to holistic dog food over 8 years ago when a computer customer alerted us to the dangers and poisons in most pet food, especially the popular brands sold in grocery stores including the premium brands. We put her on Canidae and sometimes switched her to Solid Gold, both are excellent pet foods.

Ultimately Molly started having digestive problems while we were in San Diego and Donna started cooking for her. By the way, if your dog has loose stools you can feed them uncooked pumpkin and/or give them Pepto-Bismol per a retired vet and it worked on Molly. Lots of things can cause loose stools and I now think it was poison put down in the local park to kill the ground squirrels that caused Molly's problem because the problem fixed itself when we got to Asheville, NC.

Molly's teeth are worn over half way down, especially her canines from catching many thousands of soft frisbees and tennis balls. These days her food is Solid Gold kibble with chicken chunks that Donna cooks up each way for her and it is moistened with 1/2 ounce of Frutaiga. Molly eats twice a day.

As you saw in the latest Molly video she has great energy for a dog that should have died 4 years ago and is over 105 years old by human standards. She has also been on a wonderful mineral, vitamin, enzyme supplement called Nupro (www.nuprostore.com) that has helped guard her health and gives her such a great coat. We have recommended Nupro to many people and it has been like a miracle for their pets and the version for dogs with joint problems has glucosamine/chondritin in it to help that problem.

Molly also lost her hearing at one point and I thought it was old age but it turned out to be candida or giardia. She was having bad intestinal problems and I finally decided to put her on antibiotics which I typically avoid like the plague for us and her. After 10 days on the antibiotics about half her hearing returned and my research indicates candida was probably the problem. If you need to get antibiotics for your dog and don't want huge vet bills, you can buy Fish Zole at 250 mg per tablet and give a 20-40lb one tablet with each feeding for 7 to 10 days. Google Fish Zole to get your best price on the internet. It is meant for aquariums but is the same antibiotic used by many vets for digestive problems and giardia/candida problems. Fish Zole (Metronidazole 250 mg) - 100 Tabs is available online for under $15, just search for it. Only do this if you are comfortable being your dog's doctor yourself, otherwise use a vet.

Even with the Nupro, Molly developed arthritis a couple of years ago and that was when I tried her on Frutaiga and was astounded when her arthritis disappeared in just 5 days. I have since recommended many people to put their pets on Frutaiga and it has greatly helped their health. It would seem that Frutaiga works as well on pets as it does on humans, especially on joint problems.

We have also seen Frutaiga solve skin and allergy problems on dogs and temper hyper dogs.

So do man's best friend a favor and put your dog on Frutaiga and watch their health soar!

Colon Cleanse Results with Holy Tea

I decided to make this more of a health blog that focuses on Frutaiga but I'll also review other products that can be of great benefit to your health.

We were recently introduced to Dr. Miller's Holy Tea and are having a VERY positive experience with it and recommend you learn more about this product and maybe give it a try yourself.

Visit our webpage: our Holy Tea results and you can also visit the Holy Tea Club website.

If you do give it a try, let us know your results.

Frutaiga and Depression, PTSD & BiPolar

Because Frutaiga helps the body achieve balance in its various systems and helps get the immune system functioning at a high level, we see many health improvements all across the board. One really big benefit can be dealing with depression including PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and bi-polar disorder.

In my own case Frutaiga took care of extreme stress and persistent depression in a week and a half! I was completely amazed because that was something that was not mentioned about Frutaiga. In the last 2 years I have seen this same effect on depression over and over again, to the point that I tell people to expect a feeling of well-being within 2 weeks of taking Frutaiga at 3 ounces per day. Part of this benefit is due to increased serotonin production in the brain and other brain chemicals are effected too. These beneficial actions are part of the massive 3,000 clinical studies the Soviet Union conducted on the two adaptogens that are part of Frutaiga's formula, Rhodeola Rosea and Aralia Mandshirica.

Last night we had dinner with new best friends here in Asheville and this benefit was confirmed yet again. Joan has had a horrible time with depression for many years and was in a state of clinical depression. That is when you have been depressed for so long that your body automatically produces the chemicals that keep you depressed, even if your reason for depression is gone. Clinical depression is a real tough condition to treat and conventional medicine does it with anti-depressive drugs that have many side effects and essentially turns your emotions off.

In Joan's case (not her real name) she got a case of Frutaiga and doubled the initial loading dose of 3 ounces per day for 2 months; she has been taking 6 ounces per day! On day 5 she came by our house to tell us that she woke up that morning at 5:30 am and was astounded at how good she felt emotionally and that there were no "bad thoughts" in her head. She and her husband were so very hopeful that would continue and improve.

So now it has been over a month and Joan is a new person. There is always a smile on her face and I think she is glowing! She visited family recently and everybody told her it is obvious she is no longer depressed and was enjoying life again. We are so grateful to have been an instrument in Joan conquering depression, especially since I have also suffered the debilitating effects of clinical depression for many years and was also freed by Frutaiga.My message to everyone is very simple. If you or someone you care about has a problem with depression or PTSD, put them in touch with us or tell them to give Frutaiga an honest try at 3 ounces per day for a minimum of a case of Frutaiga (4 - 25 ounce bottles in a case) and see if they can escape the horrible yoke of depression. They are protected by our 60-day satisfaction guarantee so the most they can lose is the costs of shipping but they can gain by getting enjoyment of life back and free themselves from depression.

If you know of any returning Iraq veterans, let them know that Frutaiga can help them deal with the after effects of their service. It is estimated that over 40 percent of our Iraq veterans have PTSD and other than drugging them to turn their emotions off there are no good ways to deal with PTSD through conventional medicine. Another possibility in dealing with PTSD is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and you can learn more about it at Dr. Mercola's health website: http://www.mercola.com/ . We have had direct experience with EFT and if you find a good practitioner to teach it to you, it can be very effective at dealing with any emotional problem and many addictions including smoking.

In closing, if you or someone you know has a depression problem, get them this information. It can be one of the most important events in their life. Frutaiga can be of immense help in dealing with depression. Nuff said!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Just for FUN! Skydiving Video

Nobody ever accused me of being sane!
I love to travel all over the world.
I love to scuba dive and have done quite a bit of it including decompression wreck diving.
I love to ride motorcycles and have owned a motorcycle racing shop (dirt bike) and was a race mechanic and did a little dirt racing too. I've also got about half a million miles of street riding and touring and have owned a large number of motorcycles, our favorites are the old BMW airheads that ended production in 1995.
Then there is skydiving. I have about 600 jumps and wore a helmet video camera on over half those jumps. I created a fun little skydiving video that I posted online, here it is:
Yeh, I know......why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane.....well....
  • the door was open
  • there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane
  • people typically die in airplane crashes when it is landing, it is safer to get out before then

See! I told you I'm not completely crazy!!!! LOL

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Frutaiga and Syndrome-X (Metabolic Syndrome)

One in four Americans (25% of our entire nation) are now suffering from Syndrome-X, also called Metabolic Syndrome. So what is Syndrome-X and can taking Frutaiga help?

www.americanheart.org says "The metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors in one person. They include:

  • Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen)
  • Atherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls)
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar)
  • Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor–1 in the blood)
  • Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood)

People with the metabolic syndrome are at increased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque buildups in artery walls (e.g., stroke and peripheral vascular disease) and type 2 diabetes. The metabolic syndrome has become increasingly common in the United States. It’s estimated that over 50 million Americans have it."

The vast amount of research the Soviet Union did on the extracted active ingredients of Rhodeola Rosea, Aralia Mandshirica, Caucasian Billberry and Georgian Pomengranate show huge positive effects on all of the metabolic risk factors listed above. Those same active ingredients comprise Rosalean, which is Frutaiga's proprietary mixture of 100% active ingredients from those same botanicals and there are 300 milligrams of Rosalean in each ounce of Frutaiga. That is the amount needed to effect positive changes in a 150 lb human according to those Soviet scientific studies.

I have been taking Frutaiga over 2 years and my blood chemistry is now spot on which it wasn't prior to taking Frutaiga. I personally know many people who claim relief from Syndrome-X after taking Frutaiga four to six months.

In no way, shape or form am I claiming or stating that Frutaiga cured Syndrome-X in these people, but these people will state that all of their symptoms are much better and Frutaiga is the common denominator.

So my advice to anyone suffering from Syndrome-X (Metabolic Syndrome) is to give Frutaiga a try for our 60-day guarantee period and see if you feel better. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

I can't word it any more strongly than this: If you suffer from Syndrome-X or any of the related metabolic problems, you are very foolish if you don't give Frutaiga a try.

On another important note: the various juices including Monavie, Zrii, Xango, Goji, Noni, etc.... are proven to have absolutely no effect on Syndrome-X or the related metabolic problems. So if you've tried other liquid nutritionals and got nothing out of them, do not think that Frutaiga is the same. Frutaiga is a guaranteed potency nutritional formula with massive scientific studies validating the exact active ingredients and amounts of those ingredients in it. Give Frutaiga a try, 3 ounces a day ($4.50 per day) for 6 weeks and if it doesn't satisfy you, return the empties and get a full refund on everything except shipping.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Frutaiga and Medical Doctors

Many people want to try Frutaiga but are taking medications or have physical ailments being monitored by an MD and want their MD's blessing before trying Frutaiga. I certainly don't blame them for being cautious and tell them to run it past their MD and see what they have to say. I also caution them that our product's active ingredients are virtually unknown in the United States, especially by MDs who have virtually no nutritional training or knowledge of herbs and tonics.

There are exceptions and the trend is for MDs to learn more about nutrition, herbs and holistic medicine and the most forward thinking MDs are integrating this knowledge into their practice.

Recently I met two open-minded MDs who have tried a number of the juices including MonaVie but had not experienced any benefit. They agreed to give Frutaiga a try because of our 60-day "empty bottle" 100% satisfaction guarantee and each of them bought a case of Frutaiga. Within a week they both had strong positive results and decided to offer Frutaiga to their clients and friends and are excited to help many more people gain better health through Frutaiga.

One of the MDs is an orthopedic surgeon and founded a large practice in Phoenix with 4 ortho doctors. His benefits from Frutaiga include much more energy and endurance plus the stress headaches are now gone. He was very skeptical that Frutaiga could provide any health benefits but after his experience and now having thoroughly researched the studies on Frutaiga's ingredients, he is enthusiastic about our potent natural medicine.

The other MD is an Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose & throat doctor) and got a big energy and endurance boost from Frutaiga, plus the aches and pains of arthritis from sports injuries is gone and she is telling everybody about this unique formula. She has also done in-depth research on Frutaiga and I setup a conference call with Frutaiga's formulator, Don Bodenbach, and he answered half an hour of questions at the medical level. They also talked about Frutaiga helping people with fibromyalgia since many of her patients also have that health challenge and Frutaiga does an exceptional job on fibromyalgia.

I have another seven MDs who are Preferred Customers with Frutaiga and they have recommended many of their patients to me as customers.

We also have many veterinarians, naturopaths, chiropractors and therapeutic massage professionals that use Frutaiga and recommend it to their clients. It is worth noting that virtually all of this group of health practitioners have tried the various juices including MonaVie, Goji, Noni, Xango, Fruta-Vida and others, but did not find any significant benefit from the juices.

Because of their experience with the juices, these health professionals were extremely skeptical of Frutaiga and were shocked at how effective Frutaiga is and how fast the health benefits transpired.

So the moral to this story is: if you are a health or wellness professional you owe it to yourself and your clients to learn more about Frutaiga and give it an honest trial. Frutaiga can greatly benefit the vast majority of your patients and clients and is increasingly being accepted and recommended by the MDs of our conventional medical industry.

If you are an MD and would like to setup a conference call with Don Bodenbach or want to listen to the call I talked about in this article, give me a call or shoot me an email.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

More Great Frutaiga Results in Only 1 Week!

A few days ago I delivered some cases of Frutaiga to a new customer who was only halfway through his first bottle and was raving about his results. He has been suffering with psoriasis for many years and tried everything to control it but got very little relief. He stated that he hasn't worn shorts for many years because of his bleeding leg ulcers from psoriasis and had it all over his front and back and arms too.

Within 3 days of taking 3 ounces per day of Frutaiga the psoriasis was noticeably better and after one week it was almost completely healed and he was wearing shorts when I met up with him. He also had a nasty burn on his inner calf from his motorcycle exhaust system and it was almost healed after only a couple of days.

He also stated that he was on blood pressure medication and monitoring it 3 times a day and he stopped his medication after 5 days on Frutaiga. I wouldn't advise that to anyone because you need to taper off blood pressure medication over a 2 week period but he did it and says his blood pressure is great now.

Anger management and depression were also a problem for him and he is now off the happy pills too and feels great.

Frutaiga is potent natural medicine and we find half the people who try Frutaiga at 3 ounces per day get huge results within a few days and 30% of the remaining people get huge results within a month. Only 20% of the people who try Frutaiga don't report great results and we have a 60-day empty bottle satisfaction guarantee that protect them from losing money.

Contrast our amazing results with the poor performance of juices like Zrii, MonaVie, Xango, Goji and the rest of that pack and you begin to understand my outrage that the juice companies charge as much if not more than we charge and their product doesn't perform any better than grocery store juice.

Give Frutaiga a try yourself and see what wonderful physical, emotional and mental benefits you get.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Fleecing of Health Consumers - Zrii and "The Juices"

If you haven't listened to our latest Zrii Update click here> Zrii Update

This post has been moved to:
Also see this post with info on Bill Farley: http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=31339

Friday, August 10, 2007

Update on Zrii

If you haven't listened to our latest Zrii Update click here> Zrii Update

This post has been moved to: http://zrii-expose.com/
Also see the posts about Bill Farley here: http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=31339

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

1st Day Reactions to Frutaiga

I am constantly introducing people I meet to Frutaiga and providing a taste and information which turns into a bottle or case purchase, often immediately after they taste Frutaiga.

When I give a person a free taste of Frutaiga I provide a standard dosage of 1-1/2 ounces and then I check back the next day to see if they felt anything.

Keep in mind that Frutaiga does not cheat to get rapid results by putting sugar, caffeine, guarana or any other stimulant in the formula which is the opposite of what the juice companies do (MonaVie, Goji, Xango, Noni etc.). Of course Frutaiga is a real, guaranteed active ingredient potency, medicinal strength formula versus those juices which are primarily sugar water with almost no active ingredients and overly hyped anti-oxidant value.

Let me give you a few examples of the immediate results people get from just 1-1/2 ounces of a single serving of Frutaiga:

Last week I met a middle-aged waitress who gets up at 4am each day, works on her feet on concrete till 4:30pm then goes home and cares for grandchildren every night, gets in bed and does it again at 4am the next morning. I met her on her 10am break and gave her 1-1/2 ounces of Frutaiga and some brochures and I left. When she got off work she called me and said she wanted a bottle immediately because her energy was incredible. All the other employees commented on how perky she was at the end of her shift. She also said her legs didn't hurt after being on her feet all day and they have been hurting at the end of each workday for over 5 years.

A couple of days ago I gave a 1-1/2 ounce dose of Frutaiga to a business woman at 1:30pm and she liked the taste and bought a case on the spot to see if it would perk her up. I talked to her the next day and asked if she felt the product and she said "heck yes!". She said that the latest she can stay up is midnight but one dose of Frutaiga she felt so good she went to a casino and didn't head home till 4am! Although she got almost no sleep the next day, she took more Frutaiga and said she feels great, not draggy at all. It was about 3pm the next day when I talked to her.

It has been my experience that about 60% of people get a big immediate boost in energy and stamina the very first time they try Frutaiga and it only gets better as time goes on. All the other great benefits really start to kick in after a week or two and we see amazing health benefits after six to twelve months. Read some of my other articles about long term benefits.

If you have tried any other nutritional products, especially any of "the juices", you owe it to yourself to give Frutaiga a try. I recommend you become a Preferred Customer and order a full case (4 bottles) or half a case (2 bottles), you'll get it at wholesale cost and have the protection of Frutaiga's 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee which applies to a maximum of 2 cases.

After all my years of research and product testing, I have never seen any nutritional product or pharmaceutical product that benefits a persons health as much as Frutaiga and I have spent many thousands of dollars trying products including many of the juices. Like most non-rep juice consumers, I found all of them to be completely useless including Noni, Goji, Xango, Monavie, Fruta-Vida and a few other lesser names. I haven't yet tried Zrii but based on the fact that it is just another heavily hyped juice from an obscure fruit that Deepak Chopra hunted up, I expect it to be more of the same....all show and no go.

Call me with any questions and order some Frutaiga for yourself and see what health benefits you get. It is guaranteed to perform or you get all your money back except shipping.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Zrii and network startups ARE NOT good business opportunities

If you haven't listened to our latest Zrii Update click here> Zrii Update

This post has been moved to: http://zrii-expose.blogspot.com/

Also see this post on Bill Farley: http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=31339

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Frutaiga versus Monavie

Overall I think Monavie is one of the top "juice" products and provides relatively broad spectrum anti-oxidants. However I took Monavie for over 2 months and noticed nothing and I had a few other people give it a try.....nothing.

I also personally know a few people who state they got rid of arthritic aches and pains with Monavie and I believe them, that is about the limit of what a juice with lots of anti-oxidants can do.

Monavie is a player in the ORAC/HORAC anti-oxidant ratings hype war against Noni, Goji, Xango, Fruta-Vida and the newest juice, Zrii. What those companies quote are test tube anti-oxidant values (in-vivo), basically stating how well the anti-oxidant ingredient of that juice stopped the rusting of iron filings in a test tube or other test tube chemical tests.

This is a far cry from how those anti-oxidants actually perform in your body (in-situ). Frutaiga's in-situ anti-oxidant values, also referred to as "functional anti-oxidants", are many times higher than any of the juices. Frutaiga has the highest amount and score of "functional anti-oxidants" in any nutritional supplement, ounce per ounce.

Some of the labs (read Brunswick Labs letter) that have tested and supplied those anti-oxidant values quoted by "the juices" have issued public disclaimers on those ORAC results which are being marketed so heavily and state that test tube ORAC and HORAC scores are highly variable and the scores from the actual raw materials have very little to do with scores of the actual blended and diluted product. Quoting an ORAC or HORAC score is a slippery slope indeed!

Many things affect the potency of bio-availability and efficacy of a nutritional supplement including pasteurizing (heating to a certain temperature for a certain amount of time to kill microbes) which pretty much kills off any nutritional value while making a product microbe safe. Using preservatives in a nutritional product is also VERY bad. Don't let anybody fool you, preservatives are a poison meant to kill micro-organisms or inhibit their growth. Preservatives do buildup in your body and then play a role in the health of the micro-organisms that live in our bodies and are necessary for our bodies to be healthy.

Monavie pasteurizes their product and they use preservatives. Is this needed? Frutaiga does not do either and many of the other "juice" products are not pasteurized or use preservatives. I suspect Monavie does this because they have less raw material spoilage and easier manufacturing conditions which then reduces their product cost. There is no healthy reason to pasteurize or to use preservatives and many reasons not to.

From an active ingredient standpoint, any of the juices including Monavie have less than 2% of the active ingredients Frutaiga has when compared ounce to ounce, not to mention the scientific fact that their active ingredients are but a faint shadow of Frutaiga's. That is why the "juice" companies are so very careful to never state the actual amount of active ingredients in milligrams per ounce or any other unit of measure. The "juices" have such a miniscule amount of active ingredients in their product it is a poor joke and will be a serious problem for those companies when the FDA eventually starts regulating the nutritional industry.

If you have used Monavie or any of the other "juices" and gotten noticeable benefit, you should definitely give Frutaiga a 2 month try at 3 ounces per day in a split dosage. You will be astounded at the health benefits you notice when taking Frutaiga if you actually noticed any benefit from a "juice", we guarantee it.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Frutaiga versus Zrii

If you haven't listened to our latest Zrii Update click here> Zrii Update

Further info on Zrii's President, Bill Farley, is here> http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=31339

Wow! The network marketing hype machine is running on overtime for Zrii!

If you have not yet heard, Deepak Chopra has teamed up with a top notch businessman to market a new liquid nutritional via network marketing and the word on the street is "sign up now to get a top position" so you can get rich quick!

Now that is a bunch of malarkey!

Having participated in a number of network marketing startups I can tell you that is the worst time to join. You are a pioneer and what they get the most is arrows in their bodies. You get to do the work of establishing a company and building credibility and hopefully you are around to cash in a few years later when the company and brand are established and really start to garner market share.

Frutaiga is now over 2 years old and is really getting established and starting a period of rapid growth that will soon turn into a period of explosive growth. Historically the best time to get into a quality network company is between the 2nd and 3rd year, then build strong and ride the explosive growth wave to great incomes. This has been the case for 35 years and Zrii won't change it.

I can't comment on Zrii as a nutritional supplement because they haven't released any information other than it contains a noname plant that great stories are now being woven around. I don't know if they are just juicing the plant like Noni, Goji, Xango and Monavie which only provides fairly decent anti-oxidant action or if they are extracting active ingredients and putting sufficient amount in each ounce to be viable which is what Frutaiga does.

Given that Deepak Chopra is not a nutritional formulator my guess would be that this new drink is mainly show with very little go. Deepak is certainly a good guy but Zrii is primarily a business venture capitalizing on the liquid nutritional frenzy.

From a business standpoint, I have seen excellent business people fall flat on their faces when they try to use conventional business techniques in the field of network marketing. I have not yet heard of this new company utilizing any corporate network talent and that means this company will have a very rocky road ahead of it.

Their compensation plan is being heavily hyped and when you check it out the first thing you notice is that they are still figuring it out and what they currently have posted is subject to immediate change! Why post the information if it isn't real?

I did notice that they play the old shell game of PV (point value) for computing commissions which assigns a product value typically 30% to 40% less than the dollar value and then they pay "generous commissions". Frutaiga pays dollar for dollar, no PV or BV (business volume) games that make people think their commissions are higher then they really are.

Now Zrii may turn out to be the greatest product ever......but I sincerely doubt it based on the massive hype machine being used to prelaunch the company.

If you want the "real deal" product and business wise.....Frutaiga is it. Way past any of the "juice" companies like Noni, Goji, Xango, Monavie or any of the 30 other smaller ones. As the world of nutritional supplements and network marketing are rapidly discovering: Frutaiga is an honest and effective nutritional supplement with massive scientific research and validation behind it and has a guaranteed potency that ensures effectiveness at the recommended dosage.

There is nothing else like Frutaiga on the horizon including Zrii.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Frutaiga Misspellings Revisited

Each time I look at the searches that led people to this blog I am surprised to see how many misspellings of the name Frutaiga there are.

I see it spelled Frutaiga, frutaiga, Fruitaiga, fruitaiga, Frutiga, frutiga, Fruitiga and fruitiga and sure there many others that don't make it to me!

I guess it is the same the other liquid nutritional products, i.e.- Monavie, monavie, Monavi, monavi, Moanavie, moanavie etc.....or how about Noni, noni, Nonee, nonee, Nonie, nonie.....LOL...or Xango, xango, Zango, zango, Zingo, zingo, Xangoe, xangoe, Zangoe, zangoe.....and you can have equal fun with Goji, goji, Gogee, gogee, Ogee, ogee, Gogi, gogi.

My point is that when you do a search on the internet the spelling and even the capitalization determines your search results. So the next time you are looking for a specific name, be sure to spell it correctly and capitalize it correctly too because it will affect your search results.

How do Vibe or other Eniva products compare to Frutaiga?

The best nutritional supplements are sold by MLM companies. I came to that conclusion many years ago after over 11 years of study and thousands of hours and thousands of dollars spent on nutritionals.

Eniva is an up and coming nutritional MLM company whose products and the company are a bit controversial. Their flagship product is Vibe which is a liquid mineral and vitamin formula and I have spoken to many people who claim health benefits from taking it. Eniva markets very aggressively and there is lots of hype surrounding their product and company. When any product is heavily hyped the consumer should be extra vigilant.

Frutaiga is not a vitamin and mineral formula although it has lots of vitamins and minerals in it. Frutaiga is a strong, adaptogen rich formula with a guaranteed potency mixture of over 70 active ingredients extracted from 4 high altitude botanicals and combined in an extremely well researched and documented formula called Rosalean (TM).

Vitamins and minerals are a necessary part of our nutritional intake but source, amount, processing and form of these nutritional building blocks is vital and very unequal.

Eniva makes many scientific sounding statements which have no scientific basis but surely sound impressive. If you have an interest in Eniva's products I recommend that you give them a try, they have a great guarantee and that is the only way you will know if they do anything for you.

Because Frutaiga works very differently in your body than vitamins and minerals, you should also take Frutaiga. The worst that will happen is the other products don't provide benefit but Frutaiga will. The best that can happen is a healthful synergy between the products.

I know of many ex-Eniva reps and customers that are taking Frutaiga and getting benefits but I don't know of anyone currently taking both. If you do take both please let me know what you experience.

On a final note, I really don't like to slam other products or companies, especially fellow MLM companies, it is bad for our industry. But you need to realize that other than product claims there is no policing on the entire nutritional industry including vitamins, minerals and supplements you buy at Walmart. So you don't really know if any nutritional supplement has in it what they say or how much or how absorbable or effective etc.

The nutritional industry is the red haired stepchild in the United States and is not accountable. That is very different in Europe, especially Germany and Russia, where natural products hold equal sway with the pharmaceutical products and there are governing bodies ensuring product quality and efficacy and honest scientific research to back up product claims.

With nutritionals the worse case scenario is the supplement does not work and that is a whole lot better than what happens when you take drugs which have a huge host of health damaging side effects and frequently don't work either or do more damage than good.

A very big difference between the pharmaceutical and nutritional industries is that the pharmaceutical industry is protected by the FDA which is supposed to be their regulator and the protector of the consumer. The nutritional industry is only regulated on product claims by the FDA which is good and bad and is not accountable to any other governing body in the United States.

I hope this answers more questions than I have raised but these are complicated topics and I refuse to gloss over them.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

International Orders for Frutaiga

Frutaiga is currently only shipped within the United States including the territories.

We are getting lots of worldwide interest in Frutaiga and we can personally ship cases of Frutaiga anywhere in the world. It is more expensive than purchasing Frutaiga in the United States and the health benefits are certainly worth it.

If you would like to have Frutaiga shipped to you in England, Germany, France or anywhere in Europe or Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia.....doesn't matter where.....contact us and we will work out the details.

You can contact us via email and provide your phone numbers and best time of day to call. We also use Skype ( markellins ) which is a free way to converse if you have a computer with speakers and microphone or a headset.

It is worth the trouble and expense of obtaining Frutaiga. Many people have had very dramatic health improvements and the vast majority of people experience significant health improvements.

Update on Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie & the other "juices"

We are frequently contacted by "juice" company consultants when they read our blog articles contrasting Frutaiga as a "guaranteed potency beverage" versus their juice product which has an ineffective amount of active ingredients to benefit a 150 lb. human.

After reading our articles, most of those "juice" reps now understand why their customer retention rates are so low and why people trying their "juice" frequently report a short term increase in energy (due to sugar and/or stimulants) but no real health benefits. They are frequently astounded that they have never thought the "right amount of the right stuff" concept through and are very concerned when they go through all of their product literature and website information and can't find any mention of the actual amount in milligrams per ounce of the active ingredients that supposedly power their "juice".

Statements by the "juice" manufacturers about how many pounds of fruit go into a bottle or that they also use pulp are ludicrous once you understand that all that matters are active ingredients and how much of them are in each ounce of their product. There is a huge credibility gap between the studies these companies quote that show health improvements from the botanical they use and their actual product which has an extremely small amount of the active ingredients and typically their recommended dosage provides less than 2% of the active ingredients their studies used.

While the pharmaceutical industry has less than no credibility, the nutritional industry has equally large problems and consists mainly of hype with no scientific proofs on the actual products ability to improve health or longevity. This is especially true of the "juice" industry.

What sets Frutaiga apart and why is it so effective at improving health?
  • proper amount of active ingredients in each ounce to benefit a 150 lb human
  • proper harvesting of the botanicals and proper active ingredient extraction technique
  • 45 years of credible scientific research to create and validate the formula
  • no hype marketing and a 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee

If you have tried any of the "juices" and found them to only be effective at flattening your wallet, spend some time researching Frutaiga and gain an understanding of what a real neutraceutical is and why Frutaiga is being called "the world's most effective natural medicine".

"Juice reps" should study the issues and evidence regarding nutritionals that actually work and try Frutaiga themselves. Then make your own ethical determination about selling a product based on hype and innuendo versus selling a product that is the real deal.

I personally have taken many of the liquid nutritionals including Noni, Goji, Xango, Monavie, Fruta-Vida and a few other lesser known ones. I found little to nothing to recommend any of those products but had huge results from Frutaiga within 10 days and have experienced many health improvements personally over the last 2 years of taking Frutaiga.

Over the last 2 years I have introduced literally hundreds of people to Frutaiga and have seen huge results first hand in about 50% of them and good results in another 30% and no results in about 20%. I'm sure great things were happening to the bodies of the no result people but unless we did before and after blood work we couldn't prove it.

Bottom line, give Frutaiga an honest try yourself. You can get up to 2 cases (8 bottles) that are covered by our 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Great Rhodeola Rosea Article

This article was excerpted from the website www. anti-aging-guide .com

RHODIOLA ROSEA (Russian Rhodiola, Golden root)
Anti-Aging Medicine of 21st Century
A large proportion of all aging diseases (perhaps 70-80%) is believed to occur because the stress level is too high, and/or too long-term. High-stress modern living is probably the main factor causing chronic disease and premature aging. Fortunately, Mother Nature has an answer to this challenge - a unique class of herbal products called "adaptogens".Adaptogens have the broadest spectrum of healing properties of any herbal medicine, but their unique value is that they specifically relieve stress.
History of Rhodiola rosea
Adaptogens were discovered in 1947 by the Russian scientist Dr. Nicolai Lazarev, who in fact coined the name "adaptogen". Dr. Lazarev was also the mentor of Dr. Brekhman, who conducted extensive research on adaptogenic herbs. Dr Brekhman's first major focus was the now well known Panax Ginseng, also called Korean or Chinese Ginseng. This worked, but unfortunately it has a few drawbacks that have since become evident. It sometimes has side effects such as causing constipation and over-excitement which for some people is too stimulating. Dr. Brakhman soon moved on to other herbs and became recognized as the world's leading expert on adaptogens.
Since then, hundreds of experimental and clinical studies on adaptogens have been done - most of them in Russia and Germany. Most of these studies have shown the outstanding stress-protective and immune system enhancing capacities of adaptogens.You may be familiar with the names of what are now called "first-generation" adaptogens: Panax Ginseng, American Ginseng, and Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng). But in this article I want to tell you about a unique adaptogen of the "second generation", Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola), which is a powerful anti-aging phyto supplement with adaptogenic and anti-stress activity. In Russia, Rhodiola rosea also known as "Golden root", has been used for centuries to cope with the cold Siberian climate and stressful life. But before describing this unusual herb, let's say a few words about stress itself.
How do you feel?
The main effects of adaptogens are an increased availability of energy during the day, a reduction of stressed feelings, increased endurance, greater mental alertness, and deep and restful sleep. Also, adaptogens significantly accelerate the recovery process after illness. The author of this article was ill for many years, and became weaker and weaker, despite trying a variety of medicines and supplements. Doctors could not diagnose the illness, but probably it was an autoimmune disorder, with too many symptoms to name. One day one of my friends had sent me roots of Rhodiola rosea from Moscow (Russia) and advised me to prepare Rhodiola water tea to drink. After some trial and error, I found this Siberian root worked better than anything else I had tried; and it increased the effectiveness of other supplements as well. I decided to search to find out more about this wonderful herbal adaptogen.According to modern science, adaptogens are natural plant products that increase the body's ability to cope with internal and external stress factors, and normalize the functions of the organism. They help maintain the stable internal environment inside the organism known as homeostasis. An important characteristic is that they are safe, possessing few known side effects.
The three phases of stress progression
1) Alarm phase - When some new stress factor strikes the body this causes a sudden release of internal stress-hormones - corticosteroids and catheholamines. If the stress is very intense it can damage the regulatory systems of the body permanently and immediately (for example in the case of exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation); but if one is lucky, or if the person takes adaptogens, than it is possible to smoothly progress further to the "adaptation phase".
2) Adaptation phase - If the stress factor continues (for example, in sport it might be heavy athletic training) our body learns to tolerate the s
tressful stimulus - "adapt" - and increases its resistance to the stress factor. The "adaptation phase" is usually a safe period. The longer we can stay in the "adaptation phase", the better
3) Finally, the exhaustion phase appears, when the body fails to fight stress anymore and simply gives up. In this "exhaustion phase", disease symptoms rapidly appear and get worse.
Diseases associated with stress may appear in the first "alarm phase", but they mainly appear in the third "exhaustion phase" when the body cannot fight stress anymore. This third phase usually develops after a period of months or years. Everything depends on the duration of the "adaptation phase". Sometimes the body may be fortunate and escape this third phase altogether, provided it can keep the stress under control. It is possible to do this by taking adaptogens; they can help you to stay in the "adaptation phase" for as long as possible.Taking Rhodiola rosea extract, can make coping with stress much easier! When regularly taking Rhodiola the initial "alarm phase" of your stress will smoothly progress to the "adaptation phase". Rhodiola rosea can help you to stay in this safe "adaptation phase" for a much longer time or even permanently, so preventing your body from proceeding further to the extremely dangerous "exhaustion phase".
Scientific background
Promising "second-generation" adaptogen Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola) is a perennial plant with red, pink, or yellowish flowers. It has no biological relation to the "common" rose, but due to its similar fragrance it has been used as a substitute for Attar of Roses. One of the greatest things Rhodiola does is enhance mental and physical performance. It has been widely used by Russian athletes and cosmonauts to increase energy. Rhodiola is cardio-protective, normalizing the heart rate immediately after intense exercise. It improves the nervous system and mental functions such as memory, by increasing blood-supply to the muscles and brain, and it also increases protein synthesis (1,3,4). Rhodiola rosea has extraordinary pharmacological properties as an anti-mutagen and anti-depressive agent. In this respect Rhodiola rosea is much more powerful than other adaptogens. In one study done by O.M. Duhan and colleagues (5), the anti-mutagenic activities of Panax Ginseng and of Rhodiola rosea were compared. It became clear that the extracts of Rhodiola rosea had a higher capacity to counteract gene mutations induced by various mutagens (up to about 90% inhibition in some cases). The anti-depressive and anti-stress activity of Golden root is higher than that of St. John's Wort, Ginkgo biloba and Panax Ginseng. Furthermore, Rhodiola rosea is five times less toxic than Panax ginseng. In an experiment on rats with Pliss lymphosarcoma (PLS) it was shown (6) that partial hepatectomy, a course application of Rhodiola rosea extract or combined effects inhibit the growth of tumors by 37%, 39% and 59%, respectively, and that of metastases by 42%, 50% and 75%. In one human study (7) oral administration of Rhodiola rosea extract to 12 patents with superficial bladder carcinoma (T1G1-2) improved the characteristics of the urothelial tissue integration, parameters of leukocyte integrins and T-cell immunity. The average frequency of relapses for these patients was found to fall twice.
In another clinical trial 150 individuals suffering from depression took Rhodiola rosea extracts for a period of one month. At the end of that period two-thirds of them had full remission of clinical manifestations of depression, and had become more active and more sociable. Daytime weakness and general weakness disappeared. Rhodiola rosea extracts reduce significantly the yield of cells with the chromosome aberrations in vivo and inhibit unscheduled DNA synthesis induced by N-nitroso-N-methylurea in vitro (8). It is emphasized that Rhodiola rosea extracts have rejuvenative properties due to their ability to raise the efficiency of the intracell DNA repair mechanisms. Complete List of Scientific Articles (Abstracts)

ROSAVIN formula

Pharmacological activity - quality matters!
There are products on the market that contain Rhodiola rosea. But unfortunately these products often have only limited or even no biological activity at all. Common reasons for these deficiencies are bad harvesting during the wrong season, harvesting from a climatic rigion not suitable for the plant or from a bad geographic area, harvesting wear species of the plant, also overdrying, or using an inferior extraction method. The manufacturing process also is a key factor in the preparation of a high quality adaptogenic extract, as is the selection of high quality raw materials using proper assay methods. The main active components of true Rhodiola rosea that are responsible for the extraordinary potency of Rhodiola rosea are cinnamol alcohol glycosides, especially ROSAVIN - cinnamyl-O-(6-O-L-arabinopyranosyl-D-glucopyranosid) and SALIDROSIDE. Quality Rhodiola rosea extract should contain at least 3% rosavins and 1% or less salidroside.Rhodiola rosea and immunityRhodiola rosea stimulates the immune system in two ways:
FIRST - by specific direct stimulation of immune defence (stimulates one of the most important type of immune cells - Natural Killer Cells, NK-Cells seek and destroy the infected cells on our bodies). Rhodiola rosea normalises the immune system by improving T-cell immunity (7) Rhodiola has been shown to increase the body's resistance to toxins that may accumulate during infection development.
SECOND - by making a person less susceptible to stress. Scientists found out that stress suppresses immunity and destroys our resistance to various forms of bacterial or virus attack. Due to the natural killer cell's effect on tumours Rhodiola rosea may enhance B cell immunity by preventing the suppression of B cell immunity, which can occur during stress. Being under stress, a great portion of the body's energy is expended for nothing. When we are chronically exposed to stress that continually robs energy from other systems. The general effect is a lowered immune response and decreased health.
For Whom Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola has been used in connection with fatigue, mental performance and athletic performance (to improve endurance). The Russian medicine has traditionally given Rhodiola rosea to its cosmonauts, soldiers, sportsmen and ageing political leaders as an effective anti-aging medicine. Russian Rhodiola helped them to improve cognitive functions and physical performance.Prevention of development of fatigue, asthenic states, catarrhal seasonal diseases;
Use in comprehensive therapy for treatment of neuroses, depression, hypotension, and other diseases; Restoration of health following recently endured communicable and somatic diseases; Increased bodily resistance to physical and mental overloads, and negative environmental effects; In sport - improved performance, resistance to strain, restoration of strength with increased physical loads; Prevention of alcohol and drug addiction; For elderly and aged persons; It may be successfully taken by drivers, flight personnel, traffic controllers, as well as other professional cohorts of people occupationally engaged in work requiring increased attention.Rhodiola rosea - natural alternative to Meridia (Reductil) slimming tabletsBulgarian researchers have demonstrated that intake of the herbal remedy Rhodiola rosea activates hormone-sensitive lipase, which plays a key role in breaking down the fat stored in adipose tissue (2).
Previous Soviet clinical studies showed that the combination of Rhodiola rosea together with physical exercise can be a powerful tool in the activation of fat-tissue lipase, resulting in the breakdown of stored fat. Georgian clinical data showed that the intake of tablets of Rhodiola rosea extract by obese subjects led to a mean weight loss of 19 pounds (11% reduction). In a control group, in contrast, the weight change was insignificant. The Bulgarian study suggests a detailed mechanism for the fat-loss effect (2).DosageThe usual amounts taken are 200 to 600 mg per day of a Rhodiola rosea extract standardized to contain 2-3% rosavins and 0.8-1% salidroside. (10) The nonstandardized amount would be 1 gram of the root three times daily (usually 5-6 tablets per day), the amount for the alcoholic extract (40% alcohol) is 5 to 40 drops (0.5 - 1 teaspoon) two to three times per day and for the tea from Rhodiola rosea roots is 1 - 2 cap per day. Rhodiola is usually taken with water before meals or at mealtimes. Please note, that Rhodiola has a more stimulating effect at lower amounts, and a more sedating effect at higher amounts.

Side effect and contraindications Rhodiola has been the subject of many clinical studies. No side effects or interactions have been reported. Animal studies indicate that rhodiola has a low level of toxicity. (10) Don't take rhodiola during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. There is no information available about the safety of rhodiola in pregnancy or lactation. Insomnia may be a risk with high doses of rhodiola. A high dose is considered to be daily intakes of 1,500 to 2,000 mg and above of a Rhodiola rosea standardized extract. There are no well-known drug or nutrient interactions associated with Rhodiola rosea. However, much remains to be learned about this herb and how it may interact with other adaptogens, such as Siberian ginseng, as well as with other dietary supplements. Rhodiola or Ginseng?Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola) has all the advantages of Ginseng and Eleutherococcus but lacks the tendency to cause over-excitement that may sometimes occur with ginseng, or constipation as sometimes occurs with eleutherococcus. Russian Rhodiola is FIVE times less potentially toxic, than Panax ginseng. Russian or Chinese? Be Careful!Very precise analytical tests done by HPLC did confirm, that only Rhodiola rosea of Russian origin contains key active components: Rosavin, Rosarin, Rosin. Often so-called Rhodiola rosea formulas, sold in the United States (such as "Tibetan" Rhodiola or "Chinese" Rhodiola) contain no activity at all, as these formulas lack the key ingredient Rosavins while they are high in Salidroside. Only Rhodiola rosea of Russian origin (West and North Siberia) has the highest pharmacological activity and contains key active components ROSAVIN, ROSARIN, ROSIN and SALIDROSIDE. While so-called Tibetan Rhodiola and Rhodiola rosea of Chinese origin very often do not have enough potency and contains only SALIDROSIDE. Compare content of key substances in dry roots: Chinese Rhodiola often has no activity at all, but there are other species of Rhodiola that are predomin-ating in China, such as Tibetan Rhodiola, Rhodiola quadrifida, Rhodiola kirilowii, Rhodiola heterodonta and many others.

In Conclusion
Rhodiola rosea of Russian origin is now slowly but surely becoming more widely accepted in Europe and the USA as a powerful anti-aging, anti-stress formula. In today's culture of hustling and bustling, with chaos coming from every direction, I do not think we can afford to ignore this natural medicine any longer. It is in our interest to take advantage of these powerful herbs if we want to survive the demands modern life imposes on us. One does not have to be a professor or scientist to research herbs and educate oneself on how they work. The motivation depends on how much one desires to improve one's quality of life. Since life is so short, our advice is: don't wait until you have a day off, maybe next week. Why not take Russian Rhodiola as soon as possible, so your week will be more productive?Taking Rhodiola rosea, you will be better able to cope with stress!Rhodiola Rosea cultivationRhodiola Rosea can be cultivated in two ways - from seed, or by vegetative propagation.Cultivation from seed The seeds of Rhodiola Rosea are very small (about 1.5 - 2mm long by 0.3 - 0.6mm). Growing from seed can be difficult, because the dried seeds have a low germination capacity (only about 2 - 25% of them will germinate). However, this can be improved if, prior to planting, the seeds are stored in moist sand in cool conditions for about a month. (The dry seeds are soaked in water overnight, then mixed into moist sand and kept in a suitable container). After storage for one month at a temperature between 0 - 2°C, the germination capacity will typically increase to around 75%. And by using natural stratification, sowing outdoors in the autumn (during September-October), it is possible to achieve 95-100% germination. After planting (see below), the seeds sprout after 4 - 5 days and the first leaves appear in 25 - 40 days.Vegetative propagation (root division) Rhodiola Rosea can also be propagated by root division. For this, you need to cut the underground rhizome-like roots into sections 1.5 to 15cm long, maintaining at least one bud and some hair-roots on each piece. Root division can be performed throughout the autumn months before frost, or in early spring. The cut pieces should be transplanted into soil, and after 3 weeks the plantlets should start growing.PlantingThe best type of soil is sandy or brown forest soil, rich in humus. The soil needs to be weeded regularly. The bed should be in an open, sunny place, and prior to planting should be treated with processed manure (3 - 5kg/sq m) or fertiliser (4 - 6kg/sq m). Adding grit, gravel, or vermiculite to the soil increases soil porosity and encourages growth; however, peat-based fertiliser should not be used. During the first month, the plants need to be carefully watered and weeded. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle, and grow them on in the greenhouse for the first winter. Plant out in early summer of the following year. HarvestingThe plants usually reach their maximum height in the third year after planting, but a minimum of 5 years must pass before the medicinal roots can be harvested.Harvesting should take place in autumn, since at this time the plant stops its vegetative growth and the dry-matter content of the root is higher. Harvesting is a simple process of digging out the roots by hand. In the case of large-scale cultivation, mechanical assistance from a cultivator machine etc. would be required.Processing the harvested roots The gathered roots should be sliced into thin strips about 10cm long, and dried in a well-ventilated drier at 40 - 50°C for 4 - 7 days. Under these conditions the original white color of the roots turns light brown. The roots should not be dried in the sun, since strong light destroys the active medicinal component! The dried root is best stored in paper packets in a cool dry place, and will keep for up to 3 years.By: John Hyatt, CA Disclaimer: The ideas, procedures and suggestions contained in this article are intended for informational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor. All materials regarding your health require medical supervision. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Selected References:1 Maslova L.V. et al. (1994) "The cardioprotective and antiadrenergic activity of an extract of Rhodiola rosea in stress" Eksp Klin Farmakol 57(6): 61-62. Zakir Ramazanov, Z. et al. (1999) "New secrets of effective natural stress and weight management, using Rhodiola rosea and Rhodendron caucasicum" ATN/Safe Goods Publishing, CT. 3. Germano, C. et al. (1999) "Arctic root. The powerful new ginseng alternative" Kensington Publ.Corp.4. Petkov, V.D. et. al. (1986) "Effects of alcohol aqueous extract from Rhodiola rosea L. roots on learning and memory" Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg 12(1): 3-165. Duhan, O.M. et al. (1999) "The antimutagenic activity of biomass extracts from the cultured cells of medicinal plants in the Ames test" Tsitol Genet Nov-Dec 33(6): 19-256. Udintsev SN; et.al. (1991) "The role of humoral factors of regenerating liver in the development of experimental tumours and the effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on this process" Neoplasma;38(3): 323-317. Bocharova OA et.al. (1995) "The effect of a Rhodiola rosea extract on the incidence of recurrences of a superficial bladder cancer (experimental clinical research)" Urol Nefrol (Mosk) Mar-Apr (2): 46-78. Salikhova RA et.al. (1997) "Effect of Rhodiola rosea on the yield of mutation alteration and DNA repair in bone marrow cells". Patol Fiziol Exsp Ter Oct-Dec (4): 22-49. Linh PT et.al. (2000) "Quantitative determination of salidroside and thyrosol from the underground part of Rhodiola rosea by high performance liquid chromatography" Arch Pharm Res Aug 23(4): 349-5210. Brown RP, Gerbarg PL, Ramazanov Z. Rhodiola rosea: a phytomedicinal overview. Herbalgram 2002;56:40–52.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Frutaiga and Dogs

Frutaiga has proven to be of great health benefit to many types of mammals including dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets. Many animals will lap Frutaiga up if it is presented at room temperature but it can also be squirted in their mouth or mixed with dry or wet food.

We credit Frutaiga with knocking out the arthritis in our ancient border collie, Molly, who is now over 14 years old and still going strong! Molly plays frisbee four times a day and everyone who meets her is amazed by her age and body condition. Molly was at the point that arthritis was troubling her and she would get up very slowly and painfully and frequently groaned while getting up. She would also limp for a couple of minutes after getting up.

Because of great success using Frutaiga to deal with arthritis and joint inflammation with myself and others, I decided to try it on Molly. I had to use a syringe to squirt it into her mouth a couple of times each day because she would not drink it voluntarily. I was super pleased to see her arthritis ease within a couple of days and it completely went away within 2 weeks! I can tell you for a fact the Frutaiga works great on old dogs! We now mix 1/2 ounce of Frutaiga into her food each morning and night and she enjoys consuming it.

Frutaiga has also caused some fatty tumors to disappear and took care of a cyst on her hip that would break open and bleed every few months and now is completely healed up. The water tumor below her neck is still there but it hasn't grown in size. The adaptogens in Frutaiga are proven to be very anti-mutagenic and could well help shrink or eliminate tumors. We make absolutely no claims on Frutaiga helping with any kind of cancer but it is possible that it can.

click here to view a 1 minute video of her playing frisbee at 14-1/2 years of age

Nataly & Didier in Escondido give Frutaiga to their elder Chihuahua, Yoda, and have seen Yoda's arthritis disappear and his energy pick up too. Yoda loves to drink Frutaiga at room temperature and gets excited when he sees the Frutaiga bottle coming out of the refrigerator.Diane & EW in Phoenix have had fabulous results using Frutaiga for their health challenges and decided to see if it would help their small dog who has suffered many years from pyrodema (a smelly, flaky, bacterial skin problem) and could not get any relief from drugs or holistic techniques. They were amazed when the pyrodema was gone in under 2 weeks! They also give Frutaiga to their big dog, a bull mastiff (130 lbs) who was aggressive towards other dogs, especially small dogs. After 6 weeks on Frutaiga the bull mastiff is no longer aggressive and has stopped snoring too!

If you try Frutaiga on your pets please let us know how it worked and shoot me some pictures and I'll add them to our website as Frutaiga success stories.

Cooking for an Old Dog

Molly went deaf a few months ago and it bothers us more than it bothers her. As compensation, her sense of smell is working overtime and her enjoyment of food has doubled. Because she is so old she has been having more and more digestive problems and although we gave her premium Holistic dog food (Solid Gold and Canidae), her stools would be slimy (mucous from bowel irritation) and sometimes were bloodspected and then it would go into colitis (liquid stools with blood). A few years ago she also lost the ability to eat beef and would throw it up within 3 minutes of eating it. Long story short: Donna now cooks for Molly and it has solved all the digestive problems for the last few months.

Here is Molly's diet which she loves and I am known to eat on occasion, we feed her twice a day:

white or brown rice (cooked every few days)
roasted or poached chicken (diced)
cottage cheese (not the low fat type)
Frutaiga (1/2 ounce)
Nupro (an amazing supplement that all dogs should be getting http://www.nuprostore.com/ )
sometimes we add cooked vegetables too

If your dog suffers with severe intestinal problems you can get it under control with Pepto-Bismol to stop the diarrhea and intestinal bleeding and feed baby food mixed with cottage cheese until stools are firm, then go back to their normal food or the above recipe.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Frutaiga - Is It Hype or a Real Health Formula?

Frutaiga is a real product and the active ingredients have a long history of generating dramatic health benefits. The plants in Frutaiga are quite possibly the most researched botanicals in history. Over 3,000 research studies on over 500,000 humans, conducted by 1200 Russian scientists over the course of 45 years yielded the basis of our formula. That formula is clinically proven and in use in many countries today.

If you are using or selling any of the juices (Noni, Xango, Goji, Monavie, Fruta Vida, Frequensea etc.) then please open your mind and understand the real issues on nutriceuticals and why "the juices" have so negatively impacted the nutritional industry's reputation and why research scientists and credentialed, ethical nutritional formulators and researchers deride and are disgusted by the juice companies claims and the "substantiation" they present.

Any person getting health benefits from any of the juices will be absolutely astounded at the benefits they will get from taking Frutaiga which is hundreds (if not thousands) of times more potent than any of the juices. As with any medicine or nutritional, you need to be taking enough of the active ingredient each day to affect your size body. The daily dose of Frutaiga has enough active ingredients to do so, the juices do not. This is a simple matter of researched scientific fact versus claims and testimonials from hopefully impartial users or worse yet, credibility lent by MDs or PHDs paid to shill for a product or who own or are part of the company. Product credibility and efficacy come from proven scientific research studies, any other source lacks credibility.

Frutaiga IS NOT a juice, it only uses juice as the carrier for a guaranteed potency mixture of 100% pure, active ingredients called Rosalean. Even the juice carrier used in Frutaiga has more anti-oxidant power than the juice products. There are 300mg of Rosalean (all active ingredient) in each ounce of Frutaiga. In comparison, according to independent laboratory results (the juice companies refuse to list the amount of active ingredients in their product), the juices don't even have 15mg of active ingredients in their entire bottle. Their quoted studies indicate 400mg to 800mg per day of active ingredient was used to get results.

It is a dead give away that a product is mainly hype when a company refuses to state the amount of active ingredients in an ounce or the entire bottle. When companies talk about using the "entire fruit" or focuses on "cellular absorbtion" and use other phrases that sound good and convincing but ignore the real world of needing to have enough active ingredient in the product to produce benefits, then they are out of the realm of science and product efficacy and all their claims evaporate in the light of reason.

It is the active ingredients of the botanical or phyto-plankton that provides the benefit, not the whole plant or a juice made with pulp. There is such a tiny amount of active ingredient in the whole plant that you physically could not eat enough of the plant (including plankton) to achieve sufficient ingestion of active ingredient to appreciably benefit the human body. This is the heart of the problem and why those products have no credibility in the scientific community and also why the vast majority of people who try those products do not experience any benefit and stop taking the product.

Eventually the FDA will step in and clean up this ugly "smoke and mirrors" part of the nutritional industry. Frutaiga will be one of the very few companies left standing when this happens. If the product you are using or selling is not touting their amount of active ingredients per serving you should be VERY worried.

I have met people who have gotten health benefits from "the juices". Not many, but some, and I believe them. The juices do have pretty good anti-oxidant values although what those companies quote are test tube values, not the in situ anti-oxidant values per "functional anti-oxidants". The labs that have tested and supplied those anti-oxidant values quoted by "the juices" have issued public disclaimers on those results being marketed so heavily and state that test tube ORAC and HORAC scores do not in any way reflect how well the product's anti-oxidants work in the human body. Again, more "smoke and mirrors" is evidence the product is hype more than real. Placebo effect and monetary gain are other reasons ineffective products can produce benefits in humans.

Some companies claim their inclusion in the PDR supports their claims of being an efficacious product which is a complete lie. The PDR is a "pay for inclusion" list of products used by the medical industry and does not validate any product, it is merely a product compendium similar to the Sweets catalog used by the construction industry.

Take a good, hard look at the products you are taking or selling and please don't leave your ethics or reasoning ability at the door. Use and sell "real" products, not hype. The nutritional industry can help people attain better health and longevity while affording companies and reps an excellent income and lifestyle. I look forward to your questions and to the results you get from taking Frutaiga.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Can Frutaiga Create a Healing Crisis - Herxheimer Reaction - Herxing

Occassionally people report that when they first start taking Frutaiga they feel achy or that the flu is coming on. I get those reports from less than 3% of people and for most of them, that feeling is usually gone a couple of hours after their first dose. Sometimes that reaction to Frutaiga can continue, even for weeks. It is a detoxification reaction and some people have a big buildup of various toxins (including drugs) in their bodies. This reaction is called a Herxheimer Reaction.
Here is an excerpt from an excellent article about Herxheimer Reactions (click here to view the article):
The Herxheimer Reaction - Feeling worse before feeling better

The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms.

This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates that parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. The biggest problem with the Herxheimer reaction is that people stop taking the supplement or medication that is causing the reaction, and thus discontinue the very treatment that is helping to make them better. Although the experience may not make you feel particularly good, the Herxheimer Reaction is actually a sign that healing is taking place.

What Is The Herxheimer Reaction?

The Herxheimer Reaction is an immune system reaction to the toxins (endotoxins) that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough. Simply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their own symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question; in fact, usually just the opposite.

A Rose By Any Other Name

Technically known as the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction, this syndrome goes by many names, including JHR, the Herxheimer Effect, the Herxheimer Response, a Herx Reaction, Herx or Herks. The most common terminology used is the Herxheimer Reaction. It is also often referred to as a healing crisis, a detox reaction, or die-off syndrome.
Now that you know what this reaction is, hopefully you realize that detoxification of your body is a very good thing and can lead to greatly improved health and longevity. If you are experiencing severe detoxification symptoms you should greatly decrease the amount of Frutaiga you are taking so you detox slower. Stay on a reduced dose for a couple of weeks, then try doubling the dose and see how you feel. Eventually get your dosage up to a couple of ounces a day for a couple of months then cut back to standard dosage (see other articles on this blog for standard dosage recommendations).
Extremely rarely do we find people who are allergic to any of Frutaiga's ingredients but I have seen it a couple of times. If you are getting any type of severe reaction after taking Frutaiga, stop taking it and see if the reaction goes away, then try a reduced dose of Frutaiga again and see if you get any negative reaction, every body is different. Typically we find allergies diminished or gone when taking Frutaiga but if you have an allergy to pomengranite, blueberrys or grapes it is possible you will have an allergic response to Frutaiga.
While on the subject of allergies, my daughter and grand-daughters have just had a number of allergies ELIMINATED in a very short period of time by a doctor in Florida using a technique I had never heard of and frankly did not believe until I saw it being used on my family. Call or email me if you want further info on this unique and extremely effective technique.
The bottom line is: if you are experiencing a healing crisis, that is very good. You can reduce the amount of Frutaiga you are taking to reduce the intensity of the detoxing. A healing crisis is good news! Stay the course!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Frutaiga as a Business

Frutaiga is approaching 2 years of age and rapidly increasing numbers of people have experienced the amazing health benefits of Frutaiga and are starting Frutaiga businesses of their own.

People who have never considered starting a network business (MLM, multi-level network) or who have tried them in the past and had little to no success, are now starting their own Frutaiga business and rapidly achieving profitability.

There are many reasons for this, of course the primary reason is the effectiveness and uniqueness of Frutaiga the product. The rest of the network industry drinks have no guaranteed potency and carefully avoid any mention of amount of active ingredients in each ounce. Frutaiga is proud of the ingredients and the amount of ingredients per ounce which correlates directly with the massive amount of research performed by the Soviet Union. Frutaiga is the "real deal" and has brought a much needed honesty to the network liquid nutritional industry. There are no invented stories of a particular group of people who enjoy great health and longevity due to a juice made from "magic berries or fruits". Frutaiga stands alone and is fully supported by massive scientific research performed over a 45 year period by Soviet research scientists.

On the company side, Frutaiga has top corporate management with owners who have an international reputation of excellence and honesty. The President is Jim Lutes who was a motivational speaker and sales trainer for many industries and eventually turned his talents to building a huge and stable sales network with a top health network company and becoming a top network industry earner. It is virtually unheard of for a network marketing company to have a person with that knowledge and track record as an owner and Jim is Frutaiga's #1 trainer. This is why the network industry has acknowledged Frutaiga as providing industry leading training. Jim is also the first person to state that network marketing is a "get rich slow" industry and to succeed you have to learn and work hard and grow as a person, there is no free ride in network marketing and lazy or low motivated people do not succeed in this industry.

Don Bodenbach is Frutaiga's CEO and he brings very unique talents to the company. Don is a world class nutritional formulator and is adept at sourcing raw materials and guiding the proper processing and active ingredient extraction and final product manufacturing and distribution. Don is well known and respected internationally and has attended most major anti-aging and nutritional scientific conferences in the last 20 years. Don is also an extremely out-spoken consumer advocate in the areas of health and nutrition and had the number one rated health radio program in California for over 14 years, called "The Nature of Health". He researched the knowledge of top nutritional and anti-aging persons from all over the world and conducted in-depth interviews on his program. That is how Don discovered the amazing world of adaptogens and the world's foremost expert on them, a Russian plant molecular biologist named Dr. Zakir Ramazanov. Don and Dr. Ramazanov co-formulated Frutaiga and the active ingredients are sourced through Dr. Ramazanov from Russia.

Many MDs and accredited scientists "sell their soul" to nutritional companies, verifying the effectiveness of ineffective products in exchange for money and/or company stock. This is true in both the pharmaceutical industry and the nutritional industry, both conventional and network. Don is an outspoken critic of this practice and his ethics drive Frutaiga's product quality and effectiveness.

Frutaiga was designed from the very beginning to be a giant, successful network marketing nutritional company. Jim and Don used the top network industry compensation plan designers, the best industry lawyers, award winning graphic and web design companies......only the best, proven ideas and resources are used. Frutaiga is both the company name and the product name, no confusion here. Frutaiga is a single product company; in the history of network marketing all the fastest growing companies had a single product; much easier to train a distributor force on a single product rather than a product line. Frutaiga is a liquid nutritional which is the fastest growing segment of the nutritional industry. Frutaiga is an anti-aging product and the aging baby boomers are driving a huge anti-aging industry that is just getting started. Frutaiga is the right product and company and is at the right place at the right time. All the stars line up on this company.

These are the reasons that Frutaiga is setting industry growth records and has the attention of the entire network marketing industry.

On a more personal note, our team is comprised of many very successful people from conventional businesses. Over half our associates are professionals or entrepreneurs with strong six figure incomes and we have a few millionaires now building Frutaiga businesses. Why? Because they understand the amazing lifestyle that a successful network marketing business can provide. No employees, no stores, no inventory or return headaches.....just good, clean distribution and the ability to regain control of their lives that they have lost control of thanks to their careers or conventional businesses they own (or are owned by).

Once you have built a stable Frutaiga distribution organization, you can take month long or year long vacations and your income not only continues, it increases. Now that is income security! This is because each person in your organization is building their own Frutaiga business for themselves, not for you, and if you take your foot off the pedal they don't care, they have their own goals to achieve and keep building their business.

People who never dreamed of having a network marketing business have joined Frutaiga and already created successful businesses including MDs and other health professionals and many small business owners. People who joined many other network marketing companies and did not succeed are joining Frutaiga and making money because of the strength of the product and the excellent training and support.

Take a hard and honest look at your life. How would another $500 - $3,000 per month affect your lifestyle? Are you tired of your career or job controlling your life? Is your commute driving you insane? Do you want more time to enjoy your family? Do you want to make BIG money? Do you want to regain control of your life, increase your income however much you decide, take time off when you decide, go to work when you decide?

We've got the methods of creating a successful Frutaiga company down pat. Give us a call with any questions you have and let's get to work on the rest of your life. Isn't it time you controlled your own life? Call Mark at ph-800-759-7593 or email him at mark@Power2Heal.biz

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Athletes Enjoy Many Benefits From Frutaiga

American athletes are rapidly finding out what Europe has known for many years, adaptogens can greatly increase physical endurance, often by over 20%, and adaptogens can cut recovery time in half. That is why ten countries currently use Frutaiga's adaptogenic base formula with their top athletes, including Olympic athletes.
We are now seeing athletes of many types using Frutaiga including gymnasts, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, wrestling, motorcycle racers, bicycle racers, climbers, swimmers and more.
After the Russian government created their Human Performance Formula, it was immediately added to the nutritional regimen of their Olympic athletes and they dominated that Olympics and many other Olympics since then. Russian gymnasts are an excellent example of athletes who have greatly benefited from their use of adaptogens.
The information presented below is an excerpt from a great article on adaptogen history:
Adaptogens role in Achieving Sports Success
Not the least of the Brekhman accomplishments was achieving sports success for world-class Russian athletes and for athletes of a few other countries.

It's standard for coaches, trainers, sports physicians, and others connected with athletic competition to always be searching for methods of increasing physical capacity and subsequent athletic performance. Much of this research has included the extensive scientific study of substances from nature conducted by Professor Brekhman. He furnished Russian teams and individual athletes with legal, non-drug components essential for the enhancement of athletic performance, beyond what could have been achieved merely through disciplined physical training programs.

The annals of Soviet science include many investigative efforts, some of which uncovered significant elements from the adaptogenic organic substances, which effectively facilitate the physical ability of sports competitors. Soviet Olympic and elite athletes have routinely included adaptogens in their training programs to give them a certain optimal edge in competition. The Soviets admit that they were not about to reveal this secret discovery in which they had invested such a great amount of scientific effort. But now, the adaptogen class of plants, long known to Soviet science, is finally perceived by Western athletes and their coaches. The chief nutritional advisor to the Russian Olympic teams, Dr. Sergei Portugalov, who is Head of the Laboratory of Biological Active Substances, National Research Institute of Sport in Moscow, and a member of the World Anti-Doping Conference, said: "Sports have always been a major priority in Russia -- and now the world will know what has helped us achieve domination. Hundreds of researchers secretly worked to improve training and nutrition, which we consider fundamental for elite athletes. For the past ten years, we have primarily focused on achieving results without using drugs."

"Our greatest competitive advantage came from performance supplements derived from natural plant materials. The nutritional support provided by these supplements helped our athletes achieve better performance, stamina, endurance, strength, recovery, immune resistance, muscle development, and adaptation to changes in climate, time zones, and altitude," admitted Dr. Portugalov. "The world has seen the results at the last four Olympic Games. But until recently our revolutionary discoveries were a closely guarded secret.

Loren Seagrave, coach to U.S. champion sprinter Andre Cason, uncovered the Russians' secret and made use of it for his particular athlete. "Three months after going on the program, Andre defeated the fastest sprinters in the world, including Carl Lewis -- and became the U.S. champion in the 100-meters.

Russian controlled Blind Studies in wide-scale tests on healthy men, all of whom were employed as various types of flight personnel such as pilots, navigators, and radio operators, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, and Schizandra accelerated recovery processes following long and tiring flight schedules. The adaptogens allowed the physiological state of the subjects to be significantly restored within three hours of a flight. This was a higher state of restoration even than the personnel had felt when fresh prior to taking the flight.During a broadly-based investigation of 60,000 truck and test-car drivers at the Volzhsky Automobile Factory in Togilatil over a period of 10 years, after taking Eleutherococcus they experienced a 25% reduction in lost work time due to absence or disability. Also, the drivers reported a 40% decrease in cases of influenza and a general health improvement overall.

In testing the response of exhaustive muscle work loads to Rhodiola rosea extract, it was found that the herb increases the activity of proteolytic enzymes and also significantly elevates the level of protein and RNA in the skeletal muscles.In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study involving a college baseball team, it was revealed that work capacity in every parameter showed large increases after the team members were dispensed Eleutherococcus for daily consumption.
In a double-blind trial on 140 track and field athletes using Schizandra as the active ingredient, 74% of the test subjects obtained their best results in the 3000-meter run, which is well known as the most stringent test for a runner.

In another experiment, Eleutherococcus was given to 35 weight lifters and wrestlers and 36 gymnasts. Data from the collected observations indicated that the adaptogen improved the general mental and physical state of the test subjects, increased their work capacity, and decreased their fatigue.
If you are involved in any kind of sports or intense physical activity, you should give Frutaiga a try and see how your body reacts. If you are working out regularly and are trying to build endurance and muscle you should take 4 ounces of Frutaiga daily divided into two or three doses.
Many bicyclists are also adding an ounce of Frutaiga to their water bottle and say they have increased their endurance and climb hills better with much shorter recovery.
We have gotten reports from many athletes that muscle soreness and exhaustion are greatly reduced or eliminated due to Frutaiga and we have lots of baby boomer surfers in San Diego now taking Frutaiga and singing its praises.
Retired athletes have also discovered the anti-inflammatory properties of Frutaiga and many of them are now pain free and have recovered their joint mobility.
We are finding that the long term healing that takes place using Frutaiga for 6 months and longer is truly amazing. Frutaiga has only been available for a year and a half and we are now seeing joint problems and scars healing; this was totally unexpected and just goes to show how powerful the human body is at healing itself. Frutaiga is a facilitator in getting your body into healing mode.
The bottom line is: give Frutaiga a try for 60-days (our satisfaction guarantee period) and see what great things happen to your body.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Where does the name Frutaiga come from?

People have the worse time trying to spell and pronounce Frutaiga. I have seen it spelled: Frutiga, Fruitiga, Friutiga, Friutaiga, Frutiaga and some even stranger iterations.

The name comes from the region the botanicals in Frutaiga grow in, the Russian Taiga, which is a high altitude forest in a section of Siberia. We use the "Fruit of the Taiga", ergo, Frutaiga!

Frutaiga is pronounced.....fruuuuu-tie-gah.

Now that you now where the name came from and how to pronounce it, it is time for you to become a product of this product. Sign up as a "Preferred Customer" and get the product at wholesale cost, heck, you get a 60-day "empty bottle" satisfaction guarantee. So email me at mark@teamglobalonline.com or give me a call at our toll free phone number: 800-759-7593 and we'll get a case or two of Frutaiga headed your way and you can quickly discover what great health benefits your body can manifest.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Frutaiga Testimonials

Listen to what Frutaiga has done for our family!
Mark & Donna Ellins, San Diego, California

More audio testimonials
click to listen (8 minutes)

Here is an interesting and true testimonial from a medical doctor regarding Rhodiola Rosea:

Patricia Gerbarg, knows firsthand how potent rhodiola’s restorative benefits can be. She’s also a psychiatrist, and long before either she or her husband had heard of the herb, she had begun to suffer from persistent pain in her joints. “We’d just gotten our first puppy, and he’d begun to pick up deer ticks,” she says. “Of course I was worried about Lyme disease, especially with three children at home. But I didn’t have the telltale rash, so I assumed the pain would go away.”

Only it didn’t. Month by month it worsened, spreading into her tendons and muscles. She went in for medical tests, but they were all inconclusive. “Some of the specialists I went to even implied that they thought the pain was all in my head,” she remembers. “That was a little surprising for a medical doctor to hear.” Meanwhile, Gerbarg’s pain and fatigue were becoming crippling. “My hands hurt so much I could hardly use them. My kids had to help cook, wash the dishes, even write out checks for me. I could hardly walk from the house to the car. Once, when we went with our son to visit colleges, he had to lift me and carry me up the steps.”
Even her mind was affected. Any kind of mental task became exhausting. With a job, a husband, three kids, and a dog, she’d been used to doing at least four things at once. “Now it was impossible for me to concentrate on more than one thing at a time,” she says. Eventually, a specialist recommended that Gerbarg begin an eight-month course of antibiotics, the usual treatment for Lyme disease. “It definitely helped,” she says. But only so much. She estimates she recovered about 25 percent of her former strength. She continued to suffer from pain, fatigue, and memory problems, and her balance was still shaky.

That was around the time her husband first heard of rhodiola. “He told me about it, and we both wondered if it might help because of its energy-boosting properties.” To be on the safe side, Brown tried the herb himself. “Almost immediately, my mind seemed sharper,” he says. “I felt less stressed and had more energy when I exercised.” That was good enough for Gerbarg, who started taking the herb, too. After ten days, she began noticing her mind growing clearer, her concentration sharpening, and her memory improving. The heavy weight of fatigue that had dragged her down for years began to lift. “Day by day I was getting better,” she recalls. But it wasn’t until one day, with her 14-year-old son David, that she realized how much she’d improved. She and her son had enjoyed playing chess together before her illness, but it had been several years since she’d had the energy to play. Finally, she felt well enough to give it a try. Her son agreed to meet her at the chess table for old time’s sake. “And I beat him,” says Gerbarg. “At least that first game.”

Both Gerbarg and her husband were so impressed by their own experiences, and the medical literature on the herb, that over the past ten years they’ve prescribed it to more than 400 patients. They claim to have successfully treated people suffering from fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, memory problems, loss of sexual interest, and impotence. They’ve used rhodiola to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, adult attention deficit disorder, and other brain-related conditions. And they’ve come to believe that even in healthy people, the herb is a powerful tonic, increasing the body’s resistance to stress and enhancing physical performance and mental sharpness. Last year, to spread the word to patients and other practitioners, they published a book, The Rhodiola Revolution, which details their clinical experiences and summarizes much of the research to date.

They’ve already won over many experts. At Martha’s Vineyard Hospital in Massachusetts, psychiatrist Charles Silberstein has successfully eased depressed and anxious patients off prescription antidepressants and onto the herb, sparing them the side effects associated with drugs. Sharon Sageman, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, also prescribes rhodiola as an alternative to prescription antidepressants. But she’s documented an even wider range of benefits, from easing symptoms associated with menopause to fighting the fatigue and mental dullness that often follow chemotherapy.

One of Sageman's patients, a 56 year old woman, came to her feeling anxious and depressed. "After going through menopause, she had gained ten pounds and lost her interest in sex." says Sageman. "I put her on Rhodeola Rosea and she quickly felt calmer, her libido returned and she even lost the weight she'd put on." More than half of the patients she sees are now taking the herb, says Sageman, who uses it herself to sharpen her memory and boost energy.

Additional Testimonials

"I want to share how Frutaiga restored my life. For the past six years I have been in and out of doctors offices trying to improve my health. For over 26 years, I have been a Physical Education teacher/coach and have enjoyed the privilege and blessing of have an opportunity to impact students lives. A simple injury that was misdiagnosed for two years was the beginning of chronic pain in my foot and ankle. After surgery, two years later, I lost my athletic mobility and had to stop coaching due to the painful wear and tear on my body. As the years progressed this compensation of my movement caused deterioration of my knees and spine. The effects became so severe that in my last year of teaching I had missed more days of school than my entire teaching career. I was very depressed and having panic attacks at work which I would have to call my husband to pick me up because I couldn't make it home. My level of stress was unmanageable, and my refusal to become dependant on pain medication made my life unbearable. All of this triggered my graves disease symptoms to run me crazy, in addition to the hormonal imbalances that waltz into your life when your approaching your 50's. That's when I decided it was time to leave. I believe that the Lord opens and closes doors and that point I felt like the door was closing on me.

I was introduced to Frutaiga in November 2005. The first week I noticed a mental clarity that I hadn't experienced in twenty years. My stress level started to go down and the peace I experienced seemed sent from heaven. I was having problems walking, getting up off the couch, and out of bed. I was receiving injections in my knees to be able to walk, and to reduce the wear and tear of daily activity. Three weeks into taking Frutaiga I noticed I could go up and down the stairs without crippling pain and tears. That blew me away. My thyroid symptoms were reduced and under control. The long nights of no sleep due to night sweats and hot flashes had over a 90% improvement. That is when it hit me, if this product can improve someone so depleted, stressed-out, depressed and in chronic pain; by restoring the joy back in my heart and being able to once again feel a quality of life I had forgotten existed, this would be a product I would share with others.
Valerie Deyo, Carlsbad, California

"Sick people are desperate for solutions to their health problems. I'm such a person. As a Christian foreign missionary I suffered from typhoid fever and other illnesses that were never diagnosed. My immune system has never been strong since then. Two years ago I contracted meningitis. Once I was well enough to get out of bed, I had to work to support my family, so I somehow fought my way out of bed, got to work, did my job (not extremely well), struggled home and laid down until the next morning. I did this daily for five months until summer vacation arrived (I'm a special ed teacher), and then mostly staying laying down for about two months. The meningitis dealt the final blow to my defenses. Last year I had the flu four times in three months. I also had pneumonia. Despite generous sick leave and vacation time granted to public school teachers, I usually use it all and end up being docked pay for the additional days I miss work. When any illness hits me, I am typically sick one to two weeks and then almost relapse around three weeks later.

Enter Frutaiga. Sick people are desperate, but we're also wary of snake oil. I was introduced to Frutaiga by a friend at church and my pastor. My pastor only tried Frutaiga so he could tell his brother-in-law it doesn't work. Guess what? It worked. I know these people wouldn't invent stories about what Frutaiga is doing for them, or try to sell me snake oil. I had to try it.

I began to experience flu symptoms the day after I took my first ounce and a half. I told my assistant at work that I expected to be sick by Friday. I got worse that day, but toughed it out and stayed at work. I took my 3 ounces of Frutaiga that day. When I woke up the next morning, my throat was very sore, but was immediately soothed by my morning ounce and a half of Frutaiga. The sore throat didn't return. To make the story brief, suffice it to say that with Frutaiga, the flu lasted only a day and a half instead of the weeks I'm accustomed to. I'm also finding that I'm no longer dependent on the snooze alarm. In fact, I'm more alert in the mornings, and less tired at the end of long days. About 25% of the time I awake before the alarm sounds.

After being on Frutaiga for about a month, I became sick with what felt like bronchitis (I've had it at least yearly since childhood), but I could feel my body fighting the illness. One morning I woke up with a burning sensation in my chest like when I had pneumonia, so I decided to play it safe and schedule a doctor's visit. My physician told me it appeared I was at the tail-end of bronchitis, and commented that Frutaiga must be pretty good stuff. He's not joking! For the first time in my life, I made it through bronchitis with no antibiotics! I'm so impressed by the impact Frutaiga has had on my body in such a short time, I greatly anticipate the effects once the active ingredients build up in my system! By the way, I've also lost 17 pounds since starting Frutaiga!
Bryan Tucker, Imperial Valley of California

I’m back from the dead. I suffered from post traumatic stress disorder for almost 15 years!!! I was held up 3 times while working at a half way house for teenagers. The stress was to much and I shut down. After my first ounce of Frutaiga I could feel my nervous system relax and it was like my body and my awareness came back for the first time in many years. Now I feel great, I have boundless energy and I will be taking Frutaiga for the rest of my life."
Bryan, Albany, Oregon

"For years I have suffered from Fibromyalgia and 3 different kinds of Arthritis. I was totally dependent on 10 Percocets daily to make it through my day. I can't begin to describe the pain that I have lived with for years. I had no energy; I was depressed and had a very poor memory.Since I have been taking Frutaiga, I have more energy than I know what to do with. My memory is improving & I have also lost 12 lbs. My wheelchair is collecting dust and I hardly use my walking stick. My Doctors' are amazed with the results that I have received from Frutaiga."
Deanie, Oklahoma City, OK

"Last Easter, we went to visit our son in Maryland. He lives in two story house, which has a basement, and two sets of stairs. With my arthritis in my knees, it took all and then some for me to climb those stairs. Not to mention the excruciating pain I was experiencing. After that I had completely avoided having to use stairs. Until the other day I was in town running errands, my hands were full of packages, and I just walked up a flight of stairs with no pain! Amazing! Frutaiga has given me my life back."
Eleanor, El Centro, California

"I have an old foot accident (five years old) that has taken a toll on my health. My feet have effected my back and knees. I have been in pain for some time now. I was a very athletic person and coach so this state of physical disability has been very depressing. My knees have required injections to make it possible for me to walk without pain. The last three weeks the injections had totally run it course. I saw mrs. kurpus story and I said to myself I wish that would happen to me.

Last night as I walk up my stairs I did it without pain. Normally I take forever to go down or up. I haven't been able t walk my dog due to my knees giving out and the unbearable pain. Yesterday was the first time in months that I was able to walk the stairs without pain. My mobility was better and range of motion. This has taken place in less than a month of my 30 day trial and less than 2 cases of frutiaga. I can't believe it has done that much for my knees. I definitely will share this with all my athletic coaches and players. I was scheduling the injections asap but now I will wait and continue to see what else frutiaga will do for me,
Thanks for sharing such a great product."
Valerie, San Diego, California

"I recently lost 55 lbs and after losing so much weight I had a lot of cellulite and loose skin. Since taking Frutaiga (3oz a day) I have seen dramatic results. My body is tone, my skin is tight and firm, and my muscle strength has dramatically increased. Also my cellulite is completely gone! I feel like I am 18 and now my body looks like it too!"
Charlotta, Encinitas, California

"For years I suffered from hot flashes and diminished energy...After drinking Frutaiga for five months the intensity of the hot flashes has subsided and my energy level is soaring! My former lack of energy led me away from my once very active routine of working out...In the last five months I started working out again and my endurance for cardio and weights is amazing, I feel so much better now and definitely lead a better, healthier lifestyle.

Frutaiga has worked wonders for me and I know it can for you as well...We should all "live life to it's very fullest," and drinking Frutaiga has enabled me to live mine that very way!"
Jill, Florida

"I've been studying nutrition for over 5 years and take over $200 a month of nutritional products. In spite of Frutaiga's incredibly strong ingredient list I did not expect to have any noticeable reaction from taking it.

After taking Frutaiga for one and a half weeks I went to the beach to play frisbee with our dog. When I got back I told my wife "I really feel good! I feel balanced and focused! I feel good physically, emotionally and mentally! I am able to concentrate better than I have been able to concentrate my entire life!"

That is really saying something as I am a Type-A personality and at the time was selling a business and making lifestyle changes which put me under lots of stress. Frutaiga is the real deal, the botanicals have a long history and lots of research behind them and there is sufficient active ingredients to benefit the human body at recommended dosages. Unlike the jungle juice products, Frutaiga works!"
Mark Ellins, Chula Vista, San Diego

"I have tried every supplement on the planet and Frutaiga is red hot. It’s a guaranteed potency beverage that is unequaled. My supplement bill was more than $500 a month and after reading the science on Frutaiga, I threw out 85% of my supplement shelf! I’m totally into anti-aging medicine and why not use the product with the real stress busting anti-aging ingredients."
Successgirls.com CEO A. C. Byan

"Here is the amazing deal for me personally concerning Frutaiga which is making me a believer. When the weather is warmer around here I will often jog 8 miles every other day about 25 miles a week but I have not jogged now because of the ice for about 2 weeks and have gone from 40 to 36 in pants size as well as losing a few pounds. Frutaiga is phenomenal."
Joe S. Ohio

"After taking Frutaiga for the first time, I noticed I slept better that night. I am a weekend warrior athlete working out consistently since high school but due to life and family, I do have occasional lapses in my routine that typically last four to six weeks. When restarting my routine I usually experience soreness. When I started taking Frutaiga, I felt a considerable increase in energy despite not exercising for the previous month so I decided to put Frutaiga to the test and worked out like a mad man fully expecting not to get out of bed the next day. To my surprise I was only slightly stiff no soreness. I work in the water treatment profession and was expecting the mental recall benefits to improve my retention of numbers and figures. To my surprise, my memory recall was not numbers and figures but emotional memory recall. Let me explain as I have aged my child hood memories triggered by a song color ect. Had began to fade loose detail but after taking Frutaiga for about a month I heard an old song that always brought back a fond childhood memory but faded in recent years. Well this time I felt the memory as I did in my teens and twenties taking back to the moment with sensory input like I was their. I cannot tell you what this means to me my dad passed away about ten years ago and I do not have much in the way of home movies, to get these memories back means so much to me thanks Don and Jim for bringing such a phenomenal product to the market."
Fran DeLeonardis CA

“I suffer from high blood pressure and Fibromyalgia. Since taking Frutaiga my blood pressure is at normal levels, my energy has hit an all time high and my aching muscles & bones has completely gone away. I take 3 oz. daily and will never stop!! Thanks Frutaiga!!!"
Susie ~ Oceanside, CA

"It’s unbelievable! Years of allergies gone. PMS gone. Muscle pain gone. Better, deeper sleep. I’m more focused, my sexual vitality is so much better. It’s hard to believe so much good could be done with one product but I am living proof!"
Cindy ~ Winchester, CA

"I am a 56 year old and I have energy like I haven’t had since my early 30’s when I was running 10k races. That was 45 pounds ago! Plus, I GET UP when I wake up (never been a morning person) and don’t fall asleep watching the 6 o’clock news! Sure is nice becoming a “Product of the Product”!
Steve, Jacksonville, Ill